January 25, 2024 | By: Claire Louise


“I never thought I could have a man like him be interested in someone like me… But he has a child with another woman, and shows signs that he can be violent.”



When people consult me and God* about a romantic prospect, God is objective about their compatibility as life partners.


 *When I mention “God”, it’s always in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of Unconditional Love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc. While reading this article, you can replace the term God with a Name that resonates with you the most.


Essentials we consider include sharing similar values and mutual goals. God would even go as far as look into your future possibility as a couple. This information can guide you on whether the relationship you have is long-lasting or not, and provide you potential reasons for a breakup. God also has an uncanny way of predicting cheating, loss of interest, and irresponsibility.


How we talk about compatibility is in percentages.

(See Romance and Compatibility Reading With Claire)



Relationships that are at least 80% compatible by God’s standards are good.  We consider physical, mental, emotional and spiritual compatibility. Anything less than that can cause repetitive pain, irreconcilable differences and heartache for both or either parties.


Isn’t it nice that we have this kind of life hack?


We’d be jumping for joy with you if your prospect is a God-approved match. 


But what happens if it’s not God-approved? 


Important: When God clearly disapproves of your relationship, you better heed the warning no matter how difficult it may be. And yes, sometimes it will be really difficult. 


Don’t worry, God and I are here to strengthen and love you if it’s not a God-approved match.


Our Miracle Noli (not her real name) was struggling with her decision and actions towards a man named Derek (not his real name).


Our Miracle Noli shared – I never thought I could have a man like him be interested in someone like me.


I always wanted a man who’s richer than me, and he is. He also treats me well.


He has a car, and likes to give me rides to and from the office. I have a car, too, and I drive, but it’s nice to be driven. It makes me feel like a woman. 


He also asserted himself in pursuing me, and kept asking me out. He really showed me he liked me.


I find him so attractive since he’s well put together, kind to me, visits me to give me a care kit when I’m sick, muscular, and can play music. We can also talk forever about many mentally stimulating topics…


But, he has a child with another woman, and shows signs that he can be violent.


For context, our Miracle Noli always dated men that were passive. Her first ex didn’t have a car and a capacity to buy nice things for himself. She’d even buy him those nice things herself, and she didn’t mind spending a lot on him because she loved him. So when she was pursued by a financially capable man and experienced all of these assertive gestures, she found it refreshing.


However, deep down, our Miracle Noli wasn’t feeling too good about what was happening because she was sensing some red flags in Derek. So she approached me and God for guidance.


As God knows you, your situation and your prospect, God always gives you the most effective suggestions for the best outcome.


Miracle Noli opened up – There was one time, we were out at night drinking with colleagues. I got drunk and he suddenly kissed me. I’m so scared right now because I don’t like what is happening.


I want to make it clear that I don’t want to be with him. I want to set my boundaries. But I’m scared to have that conversation.


He’s aggressive, hot-tempered and violent. I saw him hit the desk or the wall.


If I tell him I don’t want him, he might blow up at work and at me!


Since Miracle Noli and this man were colleagues, it’s hard for her to avoid Derek, especially since he kept approaching her.


What do we need to do?



Miracle Noli needs to enforce strict boundaries.


God started to speak – We need you to set healthy boundaries with Derek. Should he disrespect and violate you again, you should inform HR. You need to be firm.


Our Miracle Noli was surprised with what she heard, and thought that God’s advice was a little bit too much and too complicated.


To empower and encourage her, God even gave her a working spiel on what she can tell Derek in-person. She can always reword to make it feel more like herself.


God’s working spiel – I have to be direct with you. I didn’t like that you kissed me when I was drunk that night. I do not want that to happen again. I hope you respect my decision. I also suggest that we limit contact.


I care about your reputation at work, and I don’t want this to get messy. Let’s sort this out ourselves.


God emphasized that it must be clear to Derek that she cares for him, and that’s why she is having this conversation with him.


In the case that Derek refused to honor what Miracle Noli said, and continued to show any sexual advances, God once again reinforced that she should prompt HR and file for sexual harassment.


Miracle Noli continued to share – But if I want to keep him as a friend, is that ok? He is good as a friend and for conversations. I get free rides to and from work to my home, too


God shrugged off those sentiments and told her that it’s best that she cut all ties with him, yet stay civil at work.


We sorted through all her other concerns, and she informed us that she’ll talk to him when she is ready. This was likely in a week or two.


God said – You’ll have My match for you within a year if you choose to commit.



Following through with what God said can be difficult, but not following through is even worse.


A few months later, a mutual friend of ours informed me that Miracle Noli didn’t do what God told her to do. We later found out that Miracle Noli chose to be in a relationship with Derek. They’ve been together for 4 months, and during that time, Miracle Noli experienced a pregnancy scare. 


When they decided that they weren’t feasible, as Derek had a son outside of their relationship and Miracle Noli wasn’t really ok with that setup, they broke up.


There are hidden costs of not listening to God.


Now, here’s where it gets worse. Since Geli (not her real name), the mother of Derek’s son, has access to Derek’s social media accounts, she saw the pictures and conversations that show proof that Derek and Miracle Noli got together.



Even before that time, Geli already had hunches that something was happening between them, so when Geli got actual proof that this was true, she flipped her switch.


Geli demanded to speak to both Derek and Miracle Noli in-person. But when Miracle Noli didn’t agree to that, Geli made a fake account, and followed all of Miracle Noli’s friends on a social media platform. She then changed the username to say “Mistress Noli”, and used that account to send personal messages to Miracle Noli’s friends, insinuating nasty rumors.


To be technical, Miracle Noli was never a Mistress. Derek was not married to Geli, even if they have a child together. 


To protect herself, Miracle Noli had to enlist the help of lawyers to file a cyber libel and defamation suit against Geli. 


Legally, should Geli continue to ruin Miracle Noli’s reputation, this will lead to prison time with bail as an option. After an official letter from the lawyer was sent to Geli, she stopped and deleted the account.


You need to do your part.


Had Miracle Noli followed God the first time around, the problem wouldn’t have been bigger than it was.


From the pregnancy scare, to the costly lawyer fees and the reputation scars that Miracle Noli went through, God was right in that she was better off cutting all ties with him. On top of these, the company HR and her parents, as well as her friends shouldn’t even be involved, but they were.


God can give you all the support you need, but if you don’t do your part in following through, you pay for the consequences that God already foresaw.


Wrong choices in love means delaying or even missing your chance to get married, get pregnant, and/or get promoted and grow old with a man who truly loves and chooses you. There are countless consequences that can happen when people don’t listen to God. In the case of our Miracle Noli, her life felt so chaotic in 2023. 


But all is not lost with our Miracle Noli


Despite her initial stubbornness, she is now more aware of why it is important to listen to God and not be so blinded by red flags. She’s also more willing to go for God’s intended match for her, and abide by God’s plans for her this 2024. 


Miracle Noli said –


Since God honors God’s promise to Miracle Noli, after Derek, our Miracle Noli is now blessed with a man who is emotionally strong, is constantly winning her over and is taking care of her heart.


Though it took a little more than a year because of the delays brought upon not listening to God, God will keep on showing up for Miracle Noli.


This story is told through me and God’s lens. Our Miracle also reviewed and approved of this article, and chose to keep her identity confidential. We hope that this real modern miracle story empowers you to choose better in love.


Dear Miracle, do you want to be in a happy union with God’s match for you?


God will reveal to you the steps. But we rely on you and your choices to follow through. Don’t be too stubborn also. But, if you are stubborn, we will always know how to love you. And, you can always come back after you get hurt.


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