May 4, 2024 | By: Claire Louise


Imagine feeling so alive and happy with a new, potential romantic partner! That new person awakened a part of you that died, and you feel like a kid again… And, you want him to be The One already.


But, what if God* tells you you’re better off as friends and not as lovers?


*Any mention of “God” is always in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc. While reading this article, you can replace the term God with a Name that resonates with you the most.


It might not be the answer our Miracle Mary (not her real name) was hoping for, but during her session with me and God, she would find out why God did not recommend them as lovers. 


The Start Of Miracle Mary’s Rebirth


It’s been years since Mary experienced any life-giving emotion in a relationship. Her previous relationship drained her! The more she was with her ex, the more she lost herself. And that feeling of slowly dying inside lasted more than several years.


When they broke up, she tried to live her life again.


One person who helped her feel alive was Randy (not his real name). By being with him, she started to remember the side of her that is extroverted, adventurous, spontaneous, happy and fun. 


She even considered being in a relationship with him.


So our Miracle Mary approached me because she loves God, and loves to listen to what God will tell her.


The Ultimate Life Hack: You Can Seek God’s Truth



⭐ July 2022


Miracle Mary asked – Claire, what does God say about Randy for me?


God said – You and Randy are better off as friends, not lovers. You can get new, life-giving emotions and adventures by being with him.


Don’t be in a relationship with him, though. It won’t be good for you. He is a cheater. And, when I look into your future, I don’t see any signs of commitment and marriage.


Our Miracle Mary was shocked and possibly even disheartened by God’s response. That was completely understandable because we knew she wanted him. 


She also hasn’t felt so connected this way with anyone before. It’s been a while since she felt anything emotionally uplifting or mentally stimulating from a romantic prospect. 


But, since God knows both her heart and Randy’s heart, God also didn’t want to give her false hope. God wanted to be level with her about what will happen.


Miracle Mary seemed to agree with what God said, and said – He told me he cheated in the past. He also said he’s not sure if he’ll cheat again. What he said has been burdening me.


It doesn’t make sense, though. He treats his mom and sister so well. Why couldn’t he treat me well, too? I know he’s capable of being good to women because of how he is to the females in his family.


God explained – It doesn’t mean that he is good to them, that he’ll be good to you. He grew up with a poor father figure. This largely affected how he is as a man.


Weak Father Figure = Son’s Poor Treatment of Women He Dated


Though it is not an excuse, not having a strong fatherly figure who constantly shows Randy how to treat a romantic partner with value, strength, loyalty and respect is a significant reason why Randy cheats. The same is true for most other men who are unfaithful in their relationships. Loving a woman wholeheartedly is a foreign concept.


These men often subscribe to a male culture where they see women as games, can be cheated on, lied to, and collected as trophies or sexual conquests.


If he was truly raised by a loving, strong man, Randy should have been exposed to good values and love, which in turn, can strongly shape how he sees a relationship and his capacity to love a woman.


Cheating Is A Choice You Cannot Magically Heal For Someone Else


Miracle Mary pressed on – How can he heal? How can I help him?


God explained – Randy needs to choose it. I don’t see any way you can influence him to choose better. The choice to heal must come from him.


Miracle Mary said – Don’t challenge me, God. I like challenges. I get fueled by challenges.


God said – Don’t be like that. That’s not good for you. If he wants to change, he will change because he chose to. Not for you, but for himself. That will create a long-lasting change but I don’t see that he will ever do that in this lifetime.


Regardless of circumstance, it is possible to be a good man in spite of any upbringing, though very rare. 


This only happens when men proactively exercise their own freewill to choose better for himself and for the woman he dates and chooses to love. 


Randy, though, will prove to show that he won’t choose to do that.


Our Miracle Mary Got Herself Into Deeper Pain


A few months later, our Miracle Mary approached me and God again. This time, she was already in a relationship with Randy. They also started living together, clearly going against God’s warnings.


Then, she shared how good the experiences with Randy were initially, but now it looks like Randy is busy doing other things and requested time and space from her.


Miracle Mary also informed us that he was taking drugs.


Miracle Mary shared – He always asks me to leave the place whenever he engages in drugs. He tells me that he doesn’t want me to see him that way.


Again, engaging in vices is also a side effect of not having a strong father figure. 


Miracle Mary opened up some more – Whenever I ask him about his future, there is no mention of me nor marriage in it… I want to get married.


He still doesn’t want to commit to me, and I brought it up many times. He always says that I’m too good for him, and that I’m better off with someone who’d commit to me in the long run.


Our Miracle was struggling with her mental health so much during that time. As a solution, we talked about finding joy in the little things. This includes going back to the gym, being supported by friends, and doing the activities she liked.


Me and God were also patiently educating her that if he really loved her, she wouldn’t be in that much pain.


More Of Randy’s Red Flags Got Revealed


That same month, Miracle Mary also broke it off with him. She ended it with him because she chose to actualize her worth as a woman, and she chose to be in integrity with her dreams and with what God wanted for her – which is for her to get married to a man who knows how to love her.


Miracle Mary shared – I already told him to stop messaging me. He keeps sending me mixed signals! Even after we agreed that it is essential for my healing that we stop texting, he’d still message me. He’d even send me PHP1 via Gcash so I would notice him! I even resorted to blocking him from all my social media and phone.


He makes it so hard for me! I made it clear that my mental health is so bad, and I couldn’t stop crying.


God said – I’m sorry, My Child. Unfortunately, there really are children of Mine like that.


I see that Randy likes to play with you. He is the same with other women. He would send messages to several women and see who’ll respond. 


Even if he had no real intention to commit to you, he would get your attention just because he wants to. It’s like a game for him and he is having fun when he is doing this. I see that he doesn’t care about your feelings at all, even if you told him to stop talking to you. 



Miracle Mary exasperatedly expressed – I also can’t believe that he even came to see me one time and stole a kiss from me after I broke it off with him. He told me that he missed me and needed me. He said he isn’t likely to find a woman who is as patient and as kind as me. 


Around that time, I also saw him on Instagram with his ex. They went out! They seem like they’re back together!


What do we do with his ex, though? Do we inform her that he kissed me just recently? That was cheating!


God said – I highly suggest that you send that ex of his a message that he is a cheater! But, we won’t reveal that it’s from you. You can create a fake profile, or a trusted friend could make one for you. We just want to get it across to her that he is cheating. Whether or not she opened the message, at least we know she’ll see some form of pop up of the message.


Our Miracle Mary was so fragile already. She was so scared by so many things, and was fearing to see Randy in social situations. It is a must that we needed to strengthen her mental and emotional state even more to get through this difficult period in her life. 


⭐ December 2022


A few months after the breakup, Miracle Mary saw on Instagram and BeReal that Randy and his ex got together again.


Miracle Mary shared – I was talking to my friends. I was telling them that I’m not a bad person. I’m not bad, right? If I’m not a bad person, why doesn’t God want to give me a match?


Maybe, I’m going to be single forever…


During this time, God shared that by 2023, she will have two romantic prospects. She need not commit immediately to the first, especially if she wants to meet the second one. Either way, both will be good options.


She found this hard to believe. It felt impossible to get through.


Despite all odds, with God’s love within her, she continued to pray, and chose to strengthen her mental and emotional state.


Guess What! Miracle Mary Finally Got Rewarded With A God-Approved Match 🙂


Fast forward to 7 months since me and Miracle Mary first met, Miracle Mary is laughing more and is happier. She is with a man who loves and chooses her. They go on fun adventures together. He knows how to comfort her and say the right things. He will always stay loyal as long as she lets him love her… and does much more!


With everything that she’s been through, isn’t it nice that her hardest challenge right now is – How can she let her man love her?


This story is told through me and God’s lens. Our Miracle also reviewed and approved of this article, and chose to keep her and her boyfriend’s identity confidential. We hope that this real modern miracle story empowers you to choose better in love.


Dear Miracle, do you want to be in a happy union with God’s match for you?


God will reveal to you the steps, and we will know how to love you throughout your journey. Once ready, you may book here



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