To My Beloved Child,

I am happy that you are My Child, and I’d like to remind you that I am here for you. I have blessed you with your life so you can enjoy yourself on Earth. 

However, most of you forgot to enjoy this life and got stuck doing mundane things, or even continued to take advantage of each other for selfish reasons. Without love, there is a high likelihood of My children immersing themselves in creating wars, stealing, taking drugs and alcohol, killing Mother Earth, womanizing, excessive gambling or other non-life giving activities.

Remember, the most critical life force on Earth is love. What you have right now and as a collective is a product of the fullness of love, or the lack of love, coupled with the choices made by your ancestors, and your own personal choice. 

You cannot get rid of the fact that all of you are interconnected in this life, and it is only when we embody Me and My image and likeness strongly enough that we can make this Earth a better place for all My Children.

I noticed that there’s a growing number of people choosing to forget Me, and to not understand or even misconstrue who I really am as their Father, or some may call me Mother, Creator, Source or Universe. It becomes even more critical that people who are willing to make this Earth a better place must choose Me. 

The fact that you are reading this right now is my modern day approach in reaching you. You can choose Heaven on Earth, not just for yourself but for everyone else. Your salvation can happen now. This will then be our journey together of creating more Heaven on Earth.

Each aspect of your life is a game, you see. The quality of your life is dependent on your choices, actions and awareness on what is possible. So, let Me tell you a story of what Heaven on Earth is like.

Close your eyes, and let Me bless you right now. Let me reach you and speak with You personally, and give you glimpses of the life I want you to live. 

If you cannot hear Me right now, you might be too stressed or anxious. So, please, just breathe.

Heaven on Earth can feel like living a long, happy life with your mom. 

It can be a sweet kiss from your partner. 

It can be a revolutionary, divine idea that allows humanity to elevate itself in ways no one thought was possible back then, just like the internet, health care, dating apps, and the like. 

It can be that promotion you always wanted, and living in another country. 

Whatever that is, take time to imagine what Heaven on Earth is like for you. You’ll know if that Heaven on Earth is if your heart starts to warm up. 

If you don’t get any of the visions I’m sending you yet, come back and reread My message and do the same exercise with relaxing music in a quiet room. 

Set aside time to really hear Me. You can even bring a Bible if you want. Do whatever works… but right now, I just really want you to hear Me, my Child, because the experience of Heaven on Earth would be unique to all of you, and experiencing that would be priceless.


God via Claire

Your Answered Prayer


How God Loves Me – My Heaven on Earth Life

If you grew up in an environment where dysfunctional relationships, financial debt, illnesses and rising hospital bills and medications are normal, doesn’t this reality make you want to pause for a moment and ask for a better life?

Money, business and careers can be taken away due to the lack of evolution to meet modern day demands and human envy and greed.

Health can deteriorate due to indulgence of unhealthy foods and vices, which will then lead to lack of nutrition and the buildup of toxins in the body. Unhealthy habits, coupled with the constant advertising push to consume unhealthy foods, beverages and pills, as well as the promotion of highly unrealistic beauty standards, can create a sickly and unhappy population.

The real meaning of love can be destroyed due to culture. In some circles, cheating and lying to your partner is accepted, supported and tolerated. This then breeds anger, mistrust, anxiety and worry among those who were cheated on.

Even familial and societal culture, whether good or seemingly bad, is formed due to what has happened to us, and what we did to each other.

Pause for a moment. When imagining your loved ones and the close people you know, ask yourself how common it is for you to see…

  • Healthy marriages
  • Thriving careers and businesses
  • Good health, especially among the elderly
  • Apt money for day to day expenses, and  retirement

If I were to ask myself the same question to a younger version of me, I would say that having a good life across all life aspects was not common. Now, however, in our miracle community, all good experiences are lived out. 

God, together with Jesus and other pure light beings, showed me what Heaven on Earth is like. God gifted me with:

  • Intelligence, wisdom and experiences that allow me to bring more Heaven to Earth
  • Loving family, friends, a life partner and our miracle community
  • Heaven’s guarantee that all possible suffering has ended for me, and that life can only get better and better in all life aspects

To my Miracle reading this right now, I can definitely say that Heaven on Earth is here for me, and me and God want you to have the same, should you choose this for yourself too. It takes countless generations to create a solid miracle community so I ask for your support in contributing to Heaven on Earth. We all deserve the best in all aspects of life. Together, as a community, we can make experiences of heaven be our normal.

With much love,

Your Answered Prayer