April 19, 2024 | By: Claire Louise



Let’s break down the terms. 


Energy, in the way God* defines it, is a reflection of consciousness. What you have now in your life is a reflection of your current consciousness.


*Any mention of “God” made in this website is in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc. While reading this article, you can replace the term God with a Name that resonates with you the most.


Healing is the process of becoming sound or healthy again.


So, energy healing is a way to heal your consciousness so you can have a better reality.


To help you visualize this, imagine yourself as an intelligent software. 



You have an existing set of instructions, data or programs so you can function in your day to day life, like the ability to earn money, be loved, create, and so on. 


Your software may also contain “bugs” or even “malware”, or a set of pains and beliefs hindering you from achieving your goals or desired outcomes in life.


Now, think of these “programs” and “bugs” downloaded in your software as those from your formative years, even in your conception while you were still in your mother’s womb – times you may or may not recall clearly.



Like a sponge, our “software” can be shaped by the family that we have, the culture we live in, media we consume, the content creators we follow, the societal conditioning we subscribe to, the school we went to, the partner we interact with, the people we socialize with, and other influences. 


All these influences can be a mix of good and seemingly bad. There can be experiences that are happy, blessed, miraculous, exciting, and fun, as well as ones where we feel shame, abandonment, guilt, anger, regret and other sensations.


When we are young, we often don’t have a filter for what we take in as truth in our software. Some of them become stubborn beliefs ingrained in our system that are hard to remove with simple meditation and psychoanalysis.


This is why the kids affected by COVID-19 pandemic are often depressed, anxious or fearful due to unfiltered media consumption, and they get exposed to videos of the end of the world, or the horrors of an unknown virus possibly killing society. 


In the same way, when we are so loved as babies, and we have loved ones playing with us all the time, and educating us about real life challenges, we turn out to be happy, informed children with developed psychomotor, decision-making and social skills, among other things.


As babies get older, if they don’t have awareness or even the skill to choose what they want as part of their software, they may end up experiencing problems with their mental health, physical health, relationships, career, business and other life areas. 



This is the pain cycle we want to stop here in Miracles with Claire.


Examples of outdated but very common pain beliefs:



  • Old Age = Full of Sickness. Do you ever notice how it’s a common narrative among the elderly that growing old is associated with being sickly, and every little pain is seen as a big issue? Conversations revolve around what maintenance medicines they have or what body pains they’re experiencing, and it’s so normalized.


Unfortunately, when the elderly subscribe to this narrative of aging, this gets downloaded into their software. On a psychological level, they start to believe that they are weak, and are getting weaker. This belief of being weak, in turn, will become a communication message to the cells to weaken and to eventually lose their body functions. This is why retirement and not living a meaningful life always lead to quick death, as the body loses purpose in staying healthy, as indirectly, the elderly are already telling themselves that they have nothing else to live for, so why even stay?


In contrast, if we look at those who developed a strong mind, and good exercise and food consumption habits as they are aging, we continue to see them running businesses, staying fit with an active, healthy mind and living an important life with an equally healthy partner, happy family and a social circle.


Now, health care, body treatments and even information on how to keep your body youthful and healthy are widely available. Therefore, the quality of your life and how you experience yourself and your body can be better than the older times. You just need to select which information you want to apply into your life as part of your lifestyle. The nurturing for the body has to start early on for good habits to stick, even before you get older.


As whatever sicknesses you may have as you get older can be a byproduct of consistent choices, and not likely just a one time mistake. It can be the consistent choice to drink too much alcohol, eat fatty foods, take vices, choose lack of sleep, suffer from lack of exercise, engage in unhealthy thoughts and conversations, and the like.



  • Money = evil / can’t buy you happiness. If you were born into a poor / struggling family, and you have no self-motivation whatsoever, you may just choose to stay poor simply because that is the norm, that you find it too difficult to become richer, that relying on your relatives and children for money is the more familiar choice, or you may even think other people are more blessed and favored by God. 


Whatever the reason may be, if you rise above it and discover and use your God-given gifts, you will be much better off than before. It would be good to read financial books, expose yourself to people who strive to have a better social status, and do other helpful practices. More willingness to choose a better life can cultivate you to be an entrepreneur, work abroad, and do productive, worthwhile things. 



  • Being worthy of a romantic relationship = thin and beautiful only. If you were always teased as fat and ugly, with a pimply face and a big nose, when you grow older, you may suffer from insecurity. You may even believe that you aren’t worthy of having a lover, as the media always presents that getting noticed by romantic suitors is more common among conventionally pretty women. 


You may also resort to plastic surgery just to feel better about yourself. Though there is no shame in choosing to get plastic surgery, if you honestly feel this will be good for you, and you are aware of any possible health risk and did your thorough research on the procedures, that decision is ok. However, please also know that no alteration will fix deep-seated problems of insecurity. Nothing you do will ever be enough.


These “information” aka life experiences get downloaded into our software, especially when we don’t know how to filter the bad ones out and leverage the good ones. 


What’s good to note is that whatever you may have in your software, whether you are conscious or not, this is what God sees.




Simply put – just like how we (the creators) can remove bugs and malware from and download new programs and definitions on our computers (artificial intelligence)…


God (our Creator) has the ability to remove “bugs” and “malwares” from our own operating systems (Beings of Intelligence), and download unfamiliar but always good energies on a cellular and soul level. 


That is the simplest way to help you visualize what Energy Healing is.


And how thorough it is depends on your relationship with God, who is the purest form of Unconditional Love. 



Aside from beliefs downloaded in your formative years, God through me can explore your soul’s past life pains, lack of love in ancestral lineage (think about 6 generations above you), soul/multiverse level discussions, curses, and the like, may also affect your software in ways that feel impossible to know with simple meditation, research or psychotherapy.


This is why we are tailored in our approach here in Miracles with Claire. God knows your heart, how to talk to you, your past, your pains, your deepest desires… God knows you.


And because of that, God is the best way to make sense of our reality.


Explore the Miracles page of my website to learn about the wide range of examples where Energy Healing can be applied, and when you’re ready to unlock your own miracle story, book a session with me and God here: