One of the most fun, emotion-loaded human experiences on Earth is romance, and we now have more modern ways of articulating unique and complex experiences because of how digitized everything is.


Love bombing. Love languages. Gaslighting. Ghosting. Breadcrumbing. Situationship. Pocketing. Orbiting. Micro-cheating. Tinderella.


These are words you wouldn’t have imagined using in the ‘90s or ‘00s.


There’s something magical and beautiful about the experience of having someone as another extension of you, but it can also be rife with painful experiences like cheating, manipulation, abuse. And while our language on articulating romantic experiences is getting more sophisticated, so are the means to use them for twisted means.


With my gift of God* connection, we can always get to the bottom of the truth.


*Any mention of “God” made in this website is in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc.


In every stage of the dating process, God can be your matchmaker.



God knows you because you are God’s child. God knows your heart, how to love you, how you want to be loved, how to take care of you, and how you take care of others.


This is why clients often experience awe when they feel so understood during sessions even though it’s my first time meeting them – it’s God who knows you.


And God also knows your romantic prospects because they are also God’s children.


So when it comes to selecting a romantic prospect for you, God will be very objective about your compatibility. God will often look at your shared values and goals and assess if you and your prospect or partner are good matches for each other.


God can even reveal the nasty things about them:


  • Are they cheating on you?
  • Do they really have intentions of marrying you or committing to you?
  • Will they flake on you when life gets hard?
  • Are they scammers who are only after your money?


The good news is that we can also negotiate with God if your compatibility with a prospect can increase. But if it’s really not a God-approved match, there’s a lot of pain and heartache in store for the relationship. It’s best to exit those types of relationships.




How often do you see happy, healthy, thriving and committed couples?


Your idea and expectations of romance is first shaped by your parents or caretakers, followed by social, cultural and media influences. They also paint expectations on what each gender is supposed to play in relationships.


It’s good to take some time to introspect and be aware of how much those influences shaped your expectations of what your love life should be like because that is your current standard.


Are your standards high, low, or non-existent?


This is a subjective question, but with God as the main healer in sessions with me, God wants to make sure that:

The person you’re asking for can take care of you, and when you ask for that person, you can also take care of that person.


A God-centered relationship is a union where love is always at the center. This is the standard that God wants us to live by.


On hard days, this means the ability to self-restore, to forgive by seeing the love in your partner. This union always strives for win-win – stepping up for your partner, using your God-given gifts to create a better life together, etc. When there is the safety that love and God virtues are present in you and your partner, you allow yourselves to relax into the relationship and this is when you can FULLY enjoy intimate moments with each other.


Deep down, this is what most of us feel is the love that we TRULY deserve – one that is whole, pure and real.


That is why our experience of romance is so deeply linked to our spirituality.


Our spirituality is simply our capacity to love. You bring your richness or lack of spirituality in all of your relationships – and you magnify and compound it with your romantic partner.


When you subscribe to the idea of sin, for instance, then you may feel like you’re not worthy of being loved wholeheartedly and that this unworthiness is called humility. In fact, you may even use that identity (i.e. being a sinner) to justify the pains you are experiencing as necessary and well-deserved punishment for yourself.


When we forget God, in God’s purest form, we start accepting breadcrumbs of love from other people. When so many of us forget God, it becomes normal to give and receive breadcrumbs.


I’m here to help you remember that with God as your standard in relationships, you can enjoy a life of fulfillment, meaning and bliss with your romantic partner.


No matter where you are in the dating game, God is here to support you and help you make your relationships work.


So, ask yourself – how can God support me in my love life?



Here are some common cases that I’ve helped clients with:



1. NBSB / NGSB (No Boyfriend/Girlfriend Since Birth)


  • I’ve been single since birth. Is there someone out there for me? Am I destined to be single until I die?
  • I am a woman and I tried my best to connect with men, but nothing seems to work. Should I try to date women instead?
  • There is this woman that I like. How can I best court her? Is there a chance between me and her?


2. Compatibility Scan


  • What does God say about me and (person) being together?
  • I’m talking to three men right now. Which of them does God recommend that I invest more time with?


3. Confusing Situationships / Departed Lover / Love Scammers?


  • It’s my first time to develop a strong connection with a man. We have similar spiritual beliefs, and he is very easy to talk to. I have my doubts about him, though, so I don’t want to give my heart away. We aren’t really dating, but he is always asking to meet with me. What role does he play in my life? Should I keep this friendship, or is there something more?
  • I feel like my relationship with this person is too good to be true. Is he genuine in pursuing me or is this a scam?
  • I’m still in my 20s, and my longtime boyfriend passed on last year. I just want to know if I can date again, or should I stay single?


4. Dream Interpretation


  • I’ve been dreaming of this woman. Will she become my wife? Is she my destined life partner?




1. Thank you, Next?


  • I am currently in a relationship but I don’t feel alive. I feel like I’m decaying. There is this new guy who I just met, and he gives me the best experiences but I have suspicions that he is a cheater. Should I leave my current boyfriend for him?
  • I have been married for more than 10 years, and my relationship is getting boring. My husband is always working, and I am also either working or with my kids. Then, there is this handsome colleague of mine who is showing interest in me, and I’m developing feelings for him. What should I do?
  • Me and my partner always fight. We already had several discussions on how to go about our issues but we ended up hurting each other. Is it time to end the relationship, or is there something we could still do to make it work?


2. Is he/she cheating on me?


  • I have a hunch that my husband is cheating. There is a woman who keeps texting and calling him, and I am losing sleep over this! What is the truth?
  • I am a mistress, and my man is telling me that he’d leave his wife and kids. It’s been two years since that promise. Will that ever happen, or is he lying to me?


3. We need to be in agreement.


  • We don’t agree on how we want to raise our child. My husband wants me to be a stay at home wife, but I want to continue being a business owner while hiring a tutor for my kids. We are in need of finances so what he wants from me is not possible. What can we do?
  • My husband doesn’t like listening to me. He just likes listening to his male friends. I am always in pain because I don’t feel heard. I’m scared that our constant arguments will hurt our relationship in the long run. What does God say?
  • My partner keeps cursing, shouting and threatening me that we should end our relationship each time I don’t obey him. What he’s been asking of me is so unrealistic though. He tells me to spend less time with my friends, go home by 8pm, and inform him of every single activity that I have planned throughout the day including going to the CR! I love him, and I don’t want to hurt him. What can I do to assure him that I love him, and for him to start listening to my needs for a change?


If you’re scared of making the wrong choice in love, me and God are here to help you in assessing whether your current match or romantic prospect is worth your time.


With God, we already foresee the likely future, as we take a look at compatibility when it comes to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual connection.


When you’re ready, pick a schedule for your session with me and God here: