November 29, 2023 | By: Claire Louise


Laki sa hirap, pero umasenso. (A Filipino phrase that means, “Born from a poor family, but thrived”)




There are people who came from poor families that thrive because they used and continue to use their God*-given gifts, which can include intelligence, beauty, resourcefulness, and a multitude of other wonderful skills and abilities!


*Any mention of “God” is always in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc. While reading this article, you can replace the term God with a Name that resonates with you the most.


If you are part of this group, then you are definitely worth celebrating! 👏👏👏


Sometimes, though, even if their life situations have already improved so much relative to how their life first began, poverty beliefs continue to hurt them. 


Because they already know how bad it feels to be poor, they will do anything and everything it takes to never be poor again. 



This can cause a lot of stress and anxiety, from fears that they might lose their career, or their savings will not be enough, etc. They would even work themselves to the bone just to make sure they stay afloat.


In this modern miracle story, you will learn how one such Miracle overcame those invisible shackles of poverty and thrived even more. 


Our Miracle shared – Just two months after me and Claire talked, I was offered a regional post in a big company. This was really a good opportunity since I was struggling with work-life balance in my previous organization. Less than a year later, I was promoted to a Director-level role for Asia Pacific.


On top of that, our landlord gave us new terms where we can eventually own a property at a price that is doable for me and my husband. The timing couldn’t be more perfect!

Growing Up Poor In The Province


Our Miracle, Sam (not her real name), born in 1984, is from a poor family in a province in the Philippines. It’s a type of family that doesn’t get enough financial support, as the adults don’t have stable jobs. There was no money.


To give you context on Sam’s life, ever since she was little, she needed to be resourceful. She worked her way to get into UP Diliman as a scholar, and needed to work as a student so she could pay for her own expenses. With her stellar credentials and fantastic people skills, she got good jobs and always won the hearts of the clients and Directors she worked with.


However, in spite of attaining riches, our Miracle was always still so worried. It always felt that what she earns was not enough. 


This is where she sought me and God for help.

The Best Way To Grow Money Is To Choose God


🌟 December 31, 2021:


When Sam messaged me and God back in 2021, she was already 37 years old, a wife, a mom of two, with aging parents, and with plans of owning a property.


Note: Sessions with me and God can be done via chat, audio call or video call, depending on your privacy and preference. 




In gist, me and our Miracle were talking about how our Miracle does not want to be poor again so she works so hard to keep earning more and more money. 


By being a person as busy, money-focused and career-oriented as this, she tends to let her relationship with God wane.




Unbeknownst to many, as this is important to remember while reading this article, when God created this Universe, there are Laws. And, without sufficient knowledge and apt practice on how to effectively use these Laws, it can be hard to manifest what you want. 


Laws of the Universe were created so we have structure on how to remember God and the way of love.


So, for the purpose of deepening our Miracle’s relationship with God, and to enhance her knowledge on how to play in God’s Universe, we needed to discuss some truths.

First Truth – Who is God?


Sam prays a lot, but she also chose to focus on the dwindling money in her bank account than to acknowledge God’s overflowing love for her. 




And, to a certain extent, she became a slave to her employer rather than being the child of God that she is. 


As our Miracle saw that her financial security was mainly hinged on servicing her employer and filling up her bank account, she’d do anything to continuously please even if this compromises her health and quality of life. 


She even worried if she’d even live long enough to see her child grow up because critical health complications were already showing up. Though she wasn’t aware, choosing money made her compromise her relationship with God.


What me and God did is to empower our Miracle to see God as her source of Money. And, we helped her recognize that she need not worry so much because worrying is an act of a beggar.


Second Truth – The Law of Focus Exists



Snippet from the chat session


What you focus on GROWS. Focus on your worries, then your worries will grow and spiral out of control.


We emphasized to Sam that she needed to choose love in her thoughts, as the Law of Focus is at play in God’s Universe. This means that whatever she focuses on will grow. If she focuses on worry, worry will become normal as her mind was and is still constantly trained to worry. Not to mention that too much worry can eventually lead to physical illnesses, as worry can cause chronic stress and impact the immune system, and other bodily functions.


Whereas, if she focused on love, and chose God as her source of security and money, then her entire perspective on life and how she chooses to live her life would change.


We are not beggars. We are God’s children, and we focus on love.




We discussed that if God was the source of our Miracle’s security and financial riches, and not her employer and the amount in her bank account, God can bless our Miracle through many ways. 


In fact, as of writing this story, I got updates from Sam that her husband got a 20% increase in his salary, she got promoted in her work, her firstborn is excelling academically, and several business opportunities sprung up for her.


Not only these, but God’s ways on how to love our Miracle are endless.

Can we all break through from our financial worries? 


God smiles and jokes kindheartedly – All My Children who choose to develop a deep relationship with Me have the audacity to ask for better. Isn’t audacity a word that you like using nowadays?


This story is told through me and God’s lens. Please also know that our Miracle chose to keep her identity confidential. And, we hope that this real life miracle story empowers you to build your wealth with God.

Dear Miracle, was there a time you got too money-centric?


What worked for Sam may not necessarily be what you need and that’s the beauty of having a personalized session with me and God. 


If you choose to grow your wealth with us, you will receive personalized advice depending on where you are at in your journey. We will know if you need to deepen your relationship with God, or something else. Topics can include leveraging your connections, improving your leadership, enhancing money management and other essentials.


If you’re ready to unlock your own modern miracle, you may book here