A Real Miracle Story told by our Miracle Mom’s daughter
When my mom got diagnosed with two simultaneous cancers and as she journeyed her healing with us, I remember seeing my mom cry from so much pain everyday. That was the darkest time of my life.
The first miracle was surviving a heart attack.
The first life-threatening condition my mom experienced was in 2012 when she was in her 40s. She suffered a heart attack, an acute myocardial infarction. The cardiologist said she couldn’t get an angioplasty because it was too risky – her vein wasn’t fit for a stenting procedure.
The doctor instead gave her maintenance medicine and said it was a miracle that she was still alive because the chances of surviving from a heart attack at her age was very slim. Her heart rate was equivalent to that of an athlete even while at rest, the doctor said.
During those moments, I felt like I needed to be strong for my mom. It probably would’ve been worse if I was also breaking down in front of her. I somehow felt peaceful, though, because of my strong faith in God’s love. There was a part of me that felt like it wasn’t her time yet.
And true enough, she survived that years later.
But then came our second scare – her cramps and abnormal bleeding.
Around the 2nd – 3rd quarter of 2019, my mom was starting to feel persistent cramps and she has been menstruating everyday for over 2 months. It wasn’t normal and we all started to worry for her.
At the time, I worked as an apprentice under her leadership, so we were always together even at work. I kept telling her to go to the hospital and have herself checked, but she was too stubborn. She said she had so much work on her plate, being the head of the company. Plus, she was traumatized from her heart attack episode and didn’t want to go back to the hospital.
Until one day, she collapsed on the floor of her desk.
I remember that moment vividly. She asked me to buy her a can of coca-cola from a nearby convenience store because she was feeling weak and sluggish. When I came back to her office, with the soda in my hand, she was sitting on the floor beside her office chair, eyes closed in agony but still conscious.
That was the last straw. I called my dad to take her to the hospital and even got the other bosses involved.
Because she was bleeding/menstruating everyday, she already lost A LOT of blood. So much so, that she needed to go through blood transfusion using 12 bags of blood.
The doctors were tracing the source of her cramps and bleeding and discovered that she had two cancers growing simultaneously in her ovary and uterus (endometriosis).
It was a frightening revelation for me and my family because of my mom’s heart attack history and she was the main breadwinner of the family.
That’s when I messaged Claire, and she did remote energy healing for my mom back in August 2019.
Looking back, I realize how lucky I was to know of Claire and her gift of energy healing and direct God connection as a supplement to traditional medicine in hospitals. She saved my mom’s life, and it was priceless to learn the deeper reasons that caused my mom’s cancer.
It’s why I’m so willing to share this story, with the chance that this helps other people in similar / dire situations.
I sent Claire some snippets of our Telegram conversation when I asked for a healing session for my mom:
Claire recommended that my mom needed a series of energy healing, on top of the medical treatments.
I learned a lot about energy healing from our session that day.
She said that 99% of physical diseases and disorders are caused by a non-physical / metaphysical reason, and each body part represents different metaphysical problems that need energy healing.
Having cancer is often about resentment.
In the case of my mom, she had cancer in her ovary and uterus, which Claire said is linked to life creation issues. In simple terms, she had deep-seated resentments about us, which manifested as cancer cells in the ovary and uterus.
God told Claire that there’s a part of my mom that didn’t believe she created beautiful children, and that we (her kids) didn’t match her expectations of how we should be.
When we touched on why my mom would have resentment for me, it was partly because I didn’t want to be her successor at work. Relative to my other siblings, I’m the most suitable and capable to continue my mom’s work legacy, but I didn’t want to take it on. I didn’t want to replicate the stressful routine.
It was also because I came out to her as queer earlier that year. I’ve always been afraid of coming out to my mom because I didn’t want to possibly trigger another heart attack. I knew they had traditional/conservative views, and I knew there would be a resistance/acceptance phase, especially for my mom who had high hopes that I would marry a man and have kids.
What Claire said was making so much sense. Prior to the cancers, my mom would have intense bouts of anger and lash out at me. She would tell me to pack my things, and leave the house. She would also say hurtful things like I should be cursed with bad luck throughout my life, or that I don’t deserve having a mother.
I knew they were empty threats. Hurt people hurt people, and I know my mom has been through a lot of rough patches just to give us a comfortable life. On top of having very young parents who weren’t perfect either.
Claire told me that when my mom gets angry like that, the anger is not fully hers. Often, it was the voice of the cancer cells. That shifted something in me – it helped me hear my mom with more compassion.
Claire also told me that this doesn’t mean I have a bad mom. She’s a hurt mom, but definitely not a bad mom. I agree.
God also told Claire to help fix my mom’s breathing.
My mom was too work-centric, which didn’t allow her to enjoy the breath of life, hence the breathing/lung problem. Claire told me that God removed my mom’s victim consciousness, deleted the narrative of her being in pain everyday and sent my mom gentle, loving energy.
God said that my mom deserves to experience true, deep love.
Just to share the context as to what was going on inside my mom, Claire said this to me –
“I see your mom’s inner child crying. Inner child is a concept that refers to a version of us that is either happy or wounded. In the case of your mom, the inner child that is showing up is a wounded version of her. Her inner child feels like she’s been forgotten for a very long time, and that nobody cares about her. That makes her want to get sick and die.
Your mom needs to start caring for her inner child because even if we do all the necessary medical procedures, she will not heal and the cancer will return. She also has a lot of struggle consciousness, and she needs a lot of joy. There are times also that she hurts when people always come to her so that she can solve their problems.”
Thinking of my mom’s life, I can say that she had a difficult life. So what Claire said was spot on, and she didn’t even know my mom’s full story at the time.
She lost her sister in her 20s, became the mom of her sister’s three kids (including two of us biological children), then lost her dad to a stroke in 2013. She also inherited a lot of real estate debt, and she stepped up so she can provide for me, my brother and my cousins.
It wasn’t easy financially and mentally to raise 5 kids and send them all to university.
Whenever it was my turn to take care of my mom in the hospital, my mom would groan and ask for help every 5 or 15 minutes. She was always uncomfortable – she wanted a massage, someone to talk to or some help in lifting her so she can sit down and breathe. When I looked at her, I saw tears in her eyes.
I remember praying to God at the time to promise me that my mom will live a happy life before she graduates on Earth.
In my session with Claire, I asked if my mom needed to go through surgery because I knew some of her other clients didn’t need to. But because my mom was “earthly” in terms of her belief system and principles, she would only be convinced that she is healed if she went through the physical component. So she had her hysterectomy and colonoscopy.
That was in October 2019. These are basically procedures where they will remove her ovaries and part of the colon that has cancer. We couldn’t join her inside the operating room so she went through those alone. When we asked about my mom’s experience. She said –
The stillness in the operating room was all there was until someone touched my hand and said, “We’re all here for you.” When the time came, all I remember was seeing the same solid, radiant light. Then, I heard, “My child, what troubles you? Have you forgotten how many times I’ve healed people? Have you forgotten how I raised Lazarus from the dead? Let your heart be still, and know that I am God.”
This was interesting because I didn’t tell Claire about my mom’s hysterectomy and colonoscopy. But Claire continued to talk to God to ensure that my mom experiences the best life she could possibly have and we see it through that God’s vision for my mom to experience true, deep love happens.
Claire also told me that she spoke to the Higher Self of my mom, which is often referred to as the Holy Spirit in some religions. Claire uses this technique of talking to the Higher Self when she can’t talk to her client directly. She said that my mom’s Higher Self agreed to lengthen her life.
How fascinating!
After that, chemotherapy and radiation during the pandemic.
Yes, my mom went through chemotherapy and radiation, and her months-long treatment coincided with the pandemic.

My mom getting a haircut a few sessions after starting chemotherapy, Nov 2019

My mom wearing a headdress to cover her head weeks into chemotherapy and radiation, Dec 2019
Did that stop her stubbornness from working in the office? Nope.
We still went to work because we were working at one of the exempted industries and we were part of the skeletal workforce.

Photos I took of Makati City’s busy street during the lockdown, Mar 2020
She developed trauma returning to the hospital because she said it was painful to have intravenous liquid in her system.
Also, considering my mom’s holistic needs, God through Claire also gave me specific steps to love and care for my mom more –
- Smile when you see your mom because she likes seeing you smile.
- Play healing music.
- Use an energy healing technique that me and God taught you to delete cancer cells.
- Introduce more of your childlike energy to your mom.
- Encourage her to exercise.
- Encourage her to stop smoking.
- Give her a prayer that Claire wrote from God to her.
This 2023, my mom is doing so much better, and is alive and well. She has more experiences of love now, and my relationship with her also improved.
To share also, Claire continues to actively pray over my mom, as she introduces healthy habits, gives her letters from God every now and then and talks to her.
While my mom asked to keep her identity confidential due to her position at work, we asked her about Claire and God’s gift to her. She said –
“It would be a good breather to have someone listen to your concerns – you can’t own all these things to yourself. Claire is one who could lend an ear, where you know in your heart, someone listens and cares.
Claire’s special stones help me divert negative energies – trauma, physical pain, irritability, impatience. When I touch these stones, these negative emotions dissipate once I touch them.
I also love her miracle spray, Heaven’s Comfort. These provide calming and positive energies to get me going each day, especially for stress.”
Obviously, she’s now a fan of Claire’s crystals and sprays hahaha.
During my mom’s birthday this May 2023, Claire got a message for her. God told her –
My Loving Child, you love so much so leave also a lot of love for yourself. If you were to prioritize yourself, what would your life look like? Spend time thinking about this, my Child. When you do this reflection in the next few days, some of my greatest gifts for you are yet to come.
My mom also asked Claire on her birthday, “When is it my time to pass on?” God responded to her with “You need not know. It is not yet your time.”
This story is told through the lens of the daughter of our Miracle mom. Please also know that she chose to keep her identity confidential. And, we hope that this real life miracle story makes you realize to love your mom more.
She continues to receive love from Claire and God’s selected people for her.