April 17, 2024 | By: Claire Louise


“I remember being shookt to learn that my Mama could not transition. She was worried about me because I would always call on her under my breath every day for anything I would do!”


When our life revolves around keeping our sick mom alive, we also die in the process when our mom dies. 


And sometimes, our Loving Departed chooses not to transition back to God*  when they feel we are their “unfinished business.”


*Any mention of “God” is always in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc. While reading this article, you can replace the term God with a Name that resonates with you the most.



In the case of our Miracle Fiona (not her real name), for 26 years, she was battling to keep her mom alive.


Miracle Fiona shared – My mom suffered from tracheoesophageal fistula and diverticula which was congenital then it became exacerbated. First it started with her having difficulty swallowing food and water. Until it would take her an hour to drink a glass of water because she kept coughing and coughing. Until the doctors diagnosed that her epiglottis was not closing properly any more, and anything she took via her mouth would leak into her lungs. 



Miracle Fiona continued to share – Mama had a lot of tests until doctors were able to figure out that she had a tracheoesophageal fistula. It took us years to figure out what was wrong. And when we did, she had a minor surgery to put in a peg tube so she could feed directly via her stomach.



Miracle Fiona expressed – For a long time, she was mobile and independent. She learned how to prepare her food and feed through a peg tube connected to her stomach. 


Throughout those 26 years, we had frequent staycations at the hospital when she had bouts of pneumonia, because of her fistula and weak lungs. First, it started off as being admitted for a week or two once a year, then it became twice, then it became quarterly – until it became even more frequent with that.


It was in the last 5 years of her life where she really needed assistance.


Our Miracle Fiona was in and out of the hospital, caring for her mom while maintaining a job. She would travel to Baguio during weekends, and work in Manila during weekdays, as there was no job in Baguio that could cover the expenses. 


Miracle Fiona said – Whenever I arrived home, I loved seeing her smile. It was always worth the trip.



So, when her mom passed on, she didn’t know what to do.


Miracle Fiona shared – It was truly a very difficult and dark season in my life when I first met Claire. I wondered why I was still around and what my purpose in life was. 


It was clear to me and God that our Miracle Fiona was still grieving a lot even after two years. Her pain stayed with her. It’s really hard to move on as she made her mom her life in those 26 years. She worked hard for her mom. She always came home to Baguio to see her mom. All her decisions were always in consideration on how to best take care for her mom.



If she made her mom the center of her world in those 26 years, how does one even begin to envision a new life? That, in itself, was hard. 


Without divine guidance, love and support, it’s easy to get stuck with experiences of emptiness, loneliness, despair and the like.


So, we introduced the idea of living the best life. And, since God knew exactly how to love her, God designed a personalized 3-month healing program to rid her of her past pains so she can embrace a new life.


During this journey with God through me, her mom’s Spirit appeared in one of our conversations with God. This is one of the most notable blessings Miracle Fiona experienced.



When her mom showed up, she looked so worried about Miracle Fiona.


Just imagine that this is their norm – Miracle Fiona would constantly call upon her mom for almost everything. And, her mom always saw her daughter in pain


Because Miracle Fiona was so broken, her mom felt responsible for what her daughter was going through. Her mom didn’t choose to transition back to God.


Seeing that her Departed mom took on responsibility for her daughter’s state, this is what we commonly consider as “unfinished business”. This is when both the Living and the Departed cannot truly transcend because there is a loved one stuck in pain.


There is no real benefit in mourning forever. No one truly wins if we stay in pain. Grief should really have a deadline. 



So, when God encouraged both of them to get their peace, Miracle Fiona found the courage to let her mom go.


Miracle Fiona shared – I remember both the pain and relief the day Claire helped me let my Mama go and transition two years after she died. 


Both got to say what they needed to say. And, Miracle Fiona got answers to questions she’d kept since her mom died.


When Miracle Fiona let her mom go, I’d like to think it’s an honorable way to thank her mom for all the love and for her life. It’s like saying – “Because you were my mom, I live a good life.” Plus, It’s like the Heavens opening up to tell Miracle Fiona that it’s OK to enjoy the path towards your best life now.


What’s critical is the reintroduction of God in her life, as God will always be our first parent.



Miracle Fiona shared – I remember rethinking who God is. From just being someone I call on to save me when I am in distress, to someone who is always there even in the everyday moments when all is well.


Thank you for holding my hand and helping me see God’s Hand in all these.


So, we expanded Miracle Fiona’s understanding of God, and deepened her relationship with God. 


We resolved the weaknesses within her, and helped her envision a new life. Though, it took some time to strengthen one’s spiritual backbone to follow through with God’s words and though it was hard, Miracle Fiona kept experiencing a life that gets better and better.


Miracle Fiona said – I became functional again after two years of being Sadness personified. I started to remember dreams I had for myself that I had long forgotten. 


I also found myself landing better and better jobs – more intellectually stimulating and financially rewarding. 


I also started experiencing living a life that my Mama could only dream of – owning a home (albeit on a loan), and traveling – elevated experiences I must say, that during the darkest days, I did not even dare hope to experience. 



God through Me said – Miracle Fiona, what you are experiencing now is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of love, joy and My other gifts. There’s still more to come.



I am personally excited to see how Miracle Fiona’s love story will continue to unfold. She’s on a path that’s filled with more and more love


This story is told through me and God’s lens. Our Miracle chose to keep her identity confidential. We hope this real life miracle story empowers you to continue your love story, especially if you feel the love ended when a loved one died.


Dear Miracle, do you want to talk about your grief?

Let God show you your way forward.


Please know that different Departed have varying preferences on how they want to connect with you. There are Departed who want an active role in your life. And, there are Departed who choose not to. If you want to find out how your loved one is and how they want to connect with you, we can check.


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