By Trina Cerdenia
Featured on CNN for Stocks Forecasting
Trader and Business Owner
This is the true story of how my bestfriend Claire healed my dog’s blindness, which made my skeptical family start believing in her energy healing gifts.
It all started when my family bought Truffles, a shih tzu dog, from the pet store in Cartimar Shopping Center. The shop owner discouraged us from getting her because among her puppy siblings, she was the least energetic and most sickly pup.

Truffles as a pup, circa 2009
It was feeding time when my family came to the store, and Truffles’ siblings were so healthy, they gobbled up all the food they could see. Truffles just stayed in a corner, looking gloomy and lonely, waiting for a chance to get her share.
When my mom saw that moment, she decided to get Truffles. I was surprised because Truffles looked like she could die at any moment. My mom said there was something within her that wanted to take care of this dog.
When I first saw Truffles, she was still a few weeks-old pup. She looked very sad, and was sneezing and coughing in her cage. As a 14 year old high school student back then, I pitied Truffles. My brother also couldn’t stop crying because Truffles was in such bad shape and we didn’t really know what to do.
Without any strong attachments to her yet, I took care of Truffles in whatever capacity I could – as a student who was always in school, as a corporate employee, then eventually as a business owner with my own time.
I loved greeting her and would often play with her. I also got her some toys and learned that she liked playing with bigger stuffed toys than smaller ones because she liked wrestling with them. Those were some of my most precious memories with Truffles.

Me (left) and Truffles celebrating Christmas and birthdays together
Over time, Truffles somehow started to recognize me as her main furparent. And I willingly assumed that role because my love bank for Truffles was filling up. It wasn’t long when Truffles started to become happy and healthy. She looked like a really cute cartoon and I made this photo of hers (left one) my profile photo on Facebook.

Truffles being playful
From being a sickly pup, she became a playful and energetic dog. She would act as my 2nd alarm clock, going in my room and barking until I couldn’t resist. I would carry her and put her on the bed with me to sleep some more. When she gets impatient with me, she would start licking and biting me, but never to a point where I would be seriously injured. It was always nice to wake up to a cute and adorable dog!
As Truffles aged, I noticed her skin was always red and her right eye was getting dry. The vet said the dry eyes are a normal part of her aging, and the skin disease was genetic and they didn’t have any cure for it.

Truffles’ red skin indicating her genetic skin disease (left and right) and her dry eyes (center)
Fast forward to 2019, Truffles was 10 years old. The maximum lifespan for her breed is around 12 years and can even reach 15 years with luck.
This was the time when my mom got sick with cancer, and Truffles simultaneously needed surgery because of a tooth decay. I spent all of my savings for both of their operations. Those moments were so heartbreaking to me, but what mattered more was that they heal.

Truffles being handled by the vet for a necessary surgery, 2019
I needed to show up at my corporate job, handle my mom’s job affairs, care for my sick mom in the hospital, and check on my baby Truffles and administer her medicine and food. Those were the most tiring days of my life.
On top of seeing my mom in pain due to her cancer, it also hurt me to see Truffles crying when we left her with the vet for a couple of days. The vet told us that they needed to screen, test, and make sure she was eating. Aside from Truffles’ tooth decay, they also found another problem that needed to be addressed.
What was interesting was that both Truffles and my mom got surgery in the same spot – the uterus.
And when I told Claire about this, Claire told me about the concept of Healer Dogs and how they try to heal their loved ones by sacrificing themselves. She explained to me that Truffles tried to get as much sickness as she can from my mom to ease my mom’s pain.
The vet said that she kept trying to get out of the clinic. When it was time to pick her up from the vet, Truffles looked very happy to see me.

Truffles looking super happy when I picked her up from the vet after her operation (left), loaded her in her carrier bag (center), and took care of her at home (right)
The hardships didn’t stop there. As Truffles recovered successfully from her operation, she eventually became blind due to old age, which made her depressed and weak. Despite calling her name from a short distance, she couldn’t see nor hear me. She wouldn’t eat even if the food we were giving her were her favorites. She just slept around 95% of the day.
Claire, my bestfriend, visited our home during the Christmas holidays in 2020, and I told her about the sorry state of Truffles’ eyesight. Claire loved our family and they also loved her, but being hardcore Catholics, they were skeptical about my claims about Claire’s healing gift.
Seeing Truffles, Claire decided to use her God-given gifts to restore her health and well-being. She asked me to get water with salt, and she was moving her hands as if getting invisible things from Truffles’ space.
She explained to me that she removed stress from Truffles’ cells, and activated anti-aging energies to remind Truffles that she is healthy and young. She energetically placed all those harmful energies into the salt and water mix. Truffles fell asleep right after.
When Truffles woke up, I was so amazed because she had puppy-like vitality again. She would bark, respond to my calls, and eat heartily. I am so thankful for Claire because I was able to witness a miracle in front of my very eyes. That was also the day that my family started to believe that Claire could really bring miracles and had energy healing gifts.
I documented the whole experience and sent the videos to Claire, which ended up becoming a viral Tiktok video with 85k views (as of writing):
During that time, I already started my entrepreneurship journey so I’m thankful to have more precious time with Truffles.
I knew Truffles didn’t have long, but I was immensely grateful that she at least got to age gracefully.
In 2021, Truffles got sick again, but this time it was because all of her organs were starting to fail… I was bracing myself for the inevitable. Her stomach was bloated, her back legs gave up, and she was losing her voice. The vet also told us that the end might be near for Truffles, but gave us supplements and medicine to help.
It was painful for me to see her fight for her life. She would cry out to me in the wee hours of the morning with her hoarse voice, asking to be let out so she can relieve herself. This happened on what felt like 15-20 minute intervals. I didn’t want to prolong her agony since she’s also at the tail end of her lifespan (12th year). So, I decided to let her go by having an intimate conversation with Truffles.
The night before she passed on, I tried to meditate and talk to Truffles – a skill that Claire also taught me while we were playing with her God-given gifts. I told her that our family is going to be okay and that she didn’t need to suffer for our sake anymore. I also thanked her a lot for spending her life with us in the last 12 years. After talking to Truffles’ spirit, somehow, I knew that she understood me. I slept deeply that night.
The next morning, Truffles peacefully passed away in front of me while she was looking at me and I was looking at her. She stopped breathing and was already motionless.
I cried a lot that day, but I was also grateful that I got to be there with her before her last breath. I placed her in a box and we buried Truffles and her favorite blanket in our garden.
I want to remember her for being my Miracle dog. She helped heal my mom by absorbing her pain, and she fought to stay alive just to know that we are okay.
To me, Claire is my answered prayer. With her love for me, my family and animals, she helped lengthen and improve the quality of life of not just my mom, but also my baby Truffles through energy healing. I am also deeply thankful for sharing her gift of animal communication to me.
Truffles Cerdenia
Loved by the Cerdenia family
2009 – 2021