Hi, Miracle! You are a Miracle Story worth celebrating. Remember the love that you have in your life.

Each story here is a special gift that I’ve given Claire and her Miracle community. Obviously, Claire loves collecting miracle stories, that’s why we have this. 😉 -God

Health, Beauty & Wellness

Life is irreplaceable, and we all just have one body. Almost all sicknesses stem from a non-physical issue that traditional medicine does not cover. What are God’s solutions to prevent and recover from illness, enhance beauty, and improve quality of life?

Love Life Readings & Family Healing

Our relationships impact our well-being for better or worse. What does God say about the quality of my relationship with myself, a romantic prospect, my partner, or my family?

Money & Prosperity

Eliminate risk when it comes to critical business or job decisions. What does God say about selecting the right hire, maximizing profitability, leveraging alliances, choosing a new employer, getting promoted or hitting your targets?

Talk to the Departed

Experience a second chance in communicating with your loving departed in a two-way conversation. What does my loving departed want to say to me?

Energy Healing for Pets

There are fur babies and pets who are more sensitive to energies around them, so they are capable of absorbing their owner’s stress, anger and sadness. They also have their own unique personalities, and can even get jealous. How can I love my baby even more?

Energy Healing for Children

Each child is unique, and may have different developmental needs at this delicate time in their lives. How can God support me in being a better parent for my child?

Cleansing and Optimizing Spaces

How you design your environment shapes you in ways you may not be conscious of. Sometimes, a space can also have unseen entities. What does God say about the purity of my space?

Curse Removal & Esoteric Defense

Waves upon waves of seemingly unfortunate events may not be from pure coincidence. Are there negative entities or curses at play that I should be aware of?

Nurturing Claire-voyants

God and Claire can harness your ability to have a two-way conversation with God, your Loving Departed, crystals, Jesus, and the like. You can also learn to listen to your intuition, read cards, heal, and do other things. How can I enhance mine?

Ready to unlock YOUR miracle story?