April 19, 2024 | By: Claire Louise


“Instead of forcing my own plans to happen, I asked God* what God wanted for me.”


*Any mention of “God” is always in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc. While reading this article, you can replace the term God with a Name that resonates with you the most.



“By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin


Nobody wants to fail in their goals. That’s why a lot of us create plans at any moment within the year, especially when doing a business review, entering a new life phase or riding the wave of New Year’s resolution planning.


But not all planning is created equal. Some plans create results, while some plans don’t materialize the way they’re expected to.



Considering our finite resources like time, energy levels, finances, and the like, we do not want to make too many mistakes.


We want to ensure we are on a good trajectory for us to live the best life.


Why should I plan my life with God when I can plan on my own?


When we solely rely on our minds to create our plans, we can only access what we know. The mind takes into account our personal experiences of what worked and what didn’t work. We also get knowledge and perspectives from articles, podcasts, our loved ones, coaches and the like. 


What’s worse is if we created an outdated, inaccurate and limited understanding of who we are, what we can do and what we should be doing. 



We have to recognize that we live in a very opinionated world. There will always be good comments. There will be misleading, biased and hurtful ones. So, we really need to filter whose voice we should listen to.


We should not subscribe to perspectives that aren’t for our highest and best.


Parent: You should’ve stayed in your corporate job.


Sibling: You’re stupid. You’re just a burden in this family.


Boss: Stay with me. *But, I won’t give you a pay raise.*


Me: I am OK with where I am. I like my comfy path. I still want more money though but I’m not willing to change.


When we have a goal, whether that be in money, health, romance, and relationships, change needs to happen. We cannot stay the same person as we were before.



Like the mind, the heart can also lead us farther from achieving our goals.


When we are not open to experiencing any form of seeming discomfort, we might not move at all.


On the flip side, not all heart-led passions lead to success. There are even broken marriages or failed business partnerships that started with an enormous amount of sparks.


The truth is, data and feelings don’t fully assess our future probability. And, this is what God through me offers in life and/or business planning sessions. 


When we co-create our lives with God, we are shown the Best Path forward.



Our relationship With God impacts our choices.


Co-creating your life with God depends a lot on the quality of your relationship with God (or a lack thereof). This would shape how you handle growth challenges.



Having God = Having experiences of unconditional love in your life


A healthy relationship with God leads to a healthy balance of work, rest and play. Not one life aspect is compromised. Suffering health, broken relationships and other hurtful realities shouldn’t be experienced. 


Lack of God = More experiences of unnecessary and preventable suffering


Whereas, when we have a fragmented or no relationship with God, we can carry untrue narratives like “God has favorites”, “Life is unfair” and “God let it happen”. We experience inaction, envy, complacency, hatred, and other hurtful emotions.


When we fully awaken to the idea that we co-create our life with God, we will stop living like we are alone and just coasting along. We rise up to the life we are meant to live. 


Here are the perks of co-creating life plans With God.


1. You can ACCELERATE Your Best Life.


Acceleration measures are usually never considered as part of working plans. These are revealed to fast-track you so you can experience life’s best. 



We will give you tips and advice on how to leverage all your God-given gifts, network and opportunities available to you.


Surprising slants can include gunning for a higher position or opening a business you never thought you’d have. Some are more work-focused but are encouraged to date and get married. While some got extra care instructions to ramp up their kids’ growth, and ensure optimal health for their elderly and pets.



2. You Can PREVENT Bad Situations.


Prevention measures are revealed to optimize health and well-being, and reduce risks for yourself and your loved ones. These are often said to address choices that can cause heartaches, ruined relationships, early deaths, financial decline, serious illnesses and other painful life experiences in the future.


  1. 3. You can DISCERN whether you’re truly in alignment to your goals.


Alignment measures are discussed when you have specific goals. It is important also that these goals are God-approved. And, your mind, heart and actions should all be aligned.



We also have a cool portion that discusses God’s Theme for you. 


Depending on what we agree on with God for your plans, a theme will be chosen by God. A theme acts like your centralizing force. This theme is what you go back to when you feel like you’re regressing.


And, we keep updating our themes whenever apt.






  • Your general targets/ plans for the year
  • What you plan to do for you to follow through
  • Burning questions


You don’t need to prepare a perfect plan but you would need to lay out what you plan to do. What you prepared would be a baseline on what God through me will comment about. We can plan for a period of a couple of months, a year, 3 years or structure this based on what’s needed.


Common redirections by God through me include correcting your focus and chosen actions. We will ramp up your efforts, advise you to change them or narrow them down to produce the best results.



You can also include your business colleagues or friends, and plan as a group.





Have a notebook, or your iPad or laptop to take notes.


You can also record the session using your Zoom or Google Meets account. However, if you will not record the session, I will be sending you a Google Meets link within 15 minutes before your session. We can do the session via chat, audio call or video call.


“Remember, visions stay as visions without apt action. If you really want to live a God-led life, we start with a conversation with God. Once we know, we can only then follow through so that real change can happen.” – Claire


Dear Miracle, 

Do you want to co-create your plans with God? 

When ready, you may book here


After booking, please inform Claire at +63 9150311861 via Viber, Telegram or Whatsapp. Payment details will also be provided to you soon after.