If you look at your life like a painting, a part of you wants to take the brush and paint all over it. 

Some of you may start to lightly sketch. Others may want to add bursts of color. A few may procrastinate. So, for the purpose of understanding where you’re at, you may ask yourself, 

“What do I have so far?”

You may bring out a pen, paper and coloring materials, or open your digital or writing tools. When you have your choice of materials ready, it’s time to…

start imagining what you have.

draw your current life

You can go crazy and be a Van Gogh artist, or keep it simple with colored, stick figures or photos that represent your current life. 

Besides, I am asking you to do this, because my Child, Claire, highly encourages maximizing your investment when availing miracles sessions with Me.

my life rating

It is good my Child that you took some time to assess the macro view of your life.

Now, I encourage you to be open to the divinely beautiful possibilities you would like to co-create with Me. Ask yourself, “What could be better?” with the life areas you could possibly focus on that I identified with Claire.

Health, Beauty & Wellness

Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Health, and Beauty 


Love Life, Family, Friends and Community

Money & Prosperity

Career, Business and Finances

Your Life without Your Loved One

Current state after your loved one passed on

Parental Duties

Health, Beauty & Wellness of Kids

Fur Parent Duties

Health, Beauty & Wellness of Furbabies

Home, Work or Office Spaces

Efficacy of Your Space for Money Success, Good Health and Happy Relationships  


Since we have identified these needs and potential focus areas, we can now co-create a better life.

However, if you still need some more ideas on what you can discuss in a session with me and my Child, Claire, you may also look at:



Health, Beauty & Wellness

  • How can I heal from this disease?
  • I’d like to strengthen my faith in God. Can I speak with God?
  • I am confused with my life path, and these are the possible paths I am considering. What does God want me to do?
  • I’m depressed and anxious. What do we need to do to get better?
  • What can I do to cure this acne?
  • I heard ancestral healing is possible. My family line is experiencing cancer and diabetes. Can you help?

Love Life & Family Healing

  • Me and my loved one are fighting lately, and this hurts me. What does God say to improve our relationship?
  • I’ve been single since birth. Does God really have a plan for me?
  • I’m in a relationship but I’m not sure if he will be my forever partner. Does God want me to be with him?
  • I want to say that I trust my partner, but a part of me has this hunch… Is my partner cheating on me?
  • I am the other woman of a married man. He promised me that he’ll leave his wife when his kids are of age. Should I believe him?
  • I noticed that my family line has a lot of single women or are in dysfunctional relationships. This might be an ancestral issue of our family line. What can we do?

Money & Prosperity

  • What can I do to get promoted?
  • My family line is lazy and in financial debt. They keep asking for money from others. Is there a way to resolve this?
  • I own a business, and I am experiencing these successes and challenges. How can I make my business more profitable?
  • I have several businesses I’m looking at building. Which one should I prioritize? What does God recommend?
  • I don’t know where to relocate. I’m considering Europe, Canada and Singapore. What would be best for me?
  • I am considering buying this property. I plan to resell it in the future. Will this be a profitable purchase?

Talking to the Departed

  • What does my Loving Departed want to tell me?
  • I have so many things I want to tell him/her. Can I speak with my Loving Departed?
  • My baby died in my womb, and I’m still grieving.
  • I dreamt of my Loving Departed. Was that really him/her?
  • I want to sell my Loving Departed’s house and lot. Is he/she ok with my decision?
  • Is it possible to speak with my departed baby, child, pet, grandparents, parents, fiance, husband and wife?

  Energy Healing for Children

  • My child is so sickly, and it hurts me to see him/her that way. Can God heal my child?
  • My child doesn’t like studying and I’m worried about his/her future. How can we ensure a good future for my child?
  • My child is suicidal. I caught him/her cutting his/her hand one time. What can we do?
  • My child stopped speaking to me. He/she is always in my room. Why is he/she like that?
  • My child is autistic and I’m having problems with loving him/her. Is there a way to lessen our pain?

  Energy Healing for Pets

  • I heard you can do energy healing for pets. What can you do for my furbaby?
  • I went to different vets already, and they can’t seem to help my dog. Here is a list of the vets that I went to and will visit. Which vet should I go to? What treatment should be done?
  • My dog is always sad. I don’t know why. Is there something I can do to help?
  • I heard that it’s possible for a dog to be a healer. Some of them die because they absorb sickness in the family. Is my dog a healer dog? I don’t want my furbaby to die.
  • I got a new pet and my original fur baby doesn’t like him. Is it possible that they stop fighting?

Cleansing and Optimizing Spaces

  • Can you assess the space, and optimize it for money success, good health and happy relationships? What does God say?
  • Are there ghosts and curses in this space?

Excited about the ever evolving possibilities of how much better life can be? Me and Claire welcome you with loving arms, as we make it our goal to make Heaven on Earth possible for as many people who choose this to be their reality.

If you have more than one need, you can rank your needs according to priority, with 1 being the highest priority. Then, share this list with me and Claire via miracleswithclaire@gmail.com or +639150311861, as we will create either a one session or a personalized miracle journey for you.


With overflowing love,

God via Claire
our Answered Prayer