October 25, 2023 | By: Claire Louise


This is a story about how a powerful political family hurt an entire city by robbing the people of their wealth.


The country and the specific city of where this happened will not be disclosed to protect the privacy and ensure safety of the living kin. 


You know how it goes. We have people who think like this – I would rather partner with those in power than side with the poor. I will constantly lie to them, and rob them of their riches while making it appear that I am their ally. I will promise to give to them so I can easily win their favor, even if I have no true intent to fulfill that promise. Since I know you know my dark secrets, I see you as a liability so I will get you killed.




Clearly, there are individuals with minimal to no morality. They will use a lot of deceit, violence and manipulation to get what they want. 


In the case of our Miracle here, her ancestors took mounds of land, stole livelihood, and placed them all under their family’s name.


Just imagine unarmed citizens being robbed of their homes, other properties and livelihood by a family who they thought were their allies. And, at gunpoint, should they resist, they will be tortured and/or disposed of.


Remembering back to the day when me and God* conversed with our Miracle, she was sharing about how she needed to battle evil all the time. She saw evil as her inability to save people’s livelihood due to business unit upon business unit failing. As she is the leader, she expressed how painful it is to let go of the employees she cared for under her leadership.


When I say “God”, it’s always in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc.


She had an inkling that the failures were due to her ancestors. It’s ironic, though, that she cares for their people now, when her ancestors didn’t.


Using the power of God, me and God called upon her ancestors. Surprisingly, the window opened and a gust of strong wind entered the room, surprising both of us.




Me and our Miracle were looking at each other, amazed by how powerful the presence of her ancestors were. It is unlikely for the departed to strongly move things around, much more open a locked window. This wasn’t a coincidence.


Then, a mean presence started to speak.


He said – We are here. Now, what? Please don’t bother me and my brother about what we did in the past. We honestly had no regrets for what we did to surmount more power. Your generation is benefiting from what we have.


God divinely nudged me to tell our Miracle to talk to her ancestors herself. This is what happened. 




Our Miracle said: I honestly don’t know why you are the way you are, but I understand that you have so much hunger for riches like land, political power and other material riches that you are willing to take advantage of those who are weaker. 


Both of you and I are leaders, and our main responsibility should be to take care of people. There’s so much psychological pain in me since I’m unable to do anything about how you lied, manipulated, tortured, and killed our fellow men and women, and whenever my business unit collapses.


I failed my people. You also did.


Her Ancestors – We don’t care. What happened to those people is what they deserved. Our hatred for you right now is why you can’t just be grateful for what you have! Be grateful to us! 


They were going back and forth in their conversations, until…


Her Ancestors – It is selfish for you to not acknowledge that we needed to do what we did so we aren’t in a position where our lives and riches would be compromised. If we won’t do it, another group of people will. Can’t you respect that we did everything for survival?


We were pushed in a corner. If we weren’t able to overpower that city, it is our lives that we put on the line, as our commanding leader will have our heads if we didn’t follow.


Our Miracle and her ancestors started to cry inside.


Her Ancestors – We are also victims of circumstance.


For the first time since the start of the conversation, the ancestors were realizing that what our Miracle said makes sense. It makes sense that since we are leaders, we should serve our people well.




I started to see the souls of everyone this family hurt appear one by one. Most appeared angry and with tears in their eyes. Others appear hurt and scared.


Her Ancestors said – We are sorry. We humbly and deeply apologize for all the pain we caused you. 


Her ancestors apologized until each one accepted their apology. After that, there was a feeling of peace. And, for our Miracle, there was no longer a feeling of unfinished business for her family. Whereas, for all those whose souls haven’t fully transitioned back to God, they all started to heal.




The image above does not resemble the real appearance of the ones tortured, killed and manipulated to protect the identity of our Miracle and her family.


In case you are also experiencing heaviness due to your family’s past, don’t hesitate to chat us up. What happened back then may still be affecting you now and all of your living kin. Once ready, you may book here


After booking, please inform Claire of your situation in a brief manner at +63 9150311861 via Viber, Telegram or Whatsapp. Payment details will also be provided to you soon after.