You have everything to gain and nothing to lose when you believe in a God that loves you unconditionally, and you develop a relationship with that God*.


*Any mention of “God” made in this website is in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc.



A lot of people pray to God – or stopped praying to God – but what even is our understanding of God?


There are so many teachings about God, usually introduced by religions like Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, and others.


There is a growing wave of people calling themselves “Spiritual, but not Religious” – to represent the idea that they believe in a God but not in the religious context that paints an unconditionally loving God with conflicting conditions – you will go to hell for your sins, or that non-members of the Church will not go to heaven, etc. Newer generations prefer to call God using more neutral, non-religious terms like Universe, Source, Creator, Law of Truth, Highest Power, etc.


You see, whatever beliefs you have about God shapes your reality and actions, as God is an integral part of our spiritual health and well-being.


In this website and in my practice, God is responsible for all the healing and miracles you will see or read about, and I’m here to tell you that having a two-way conversation with God is possible. Instead of just praying to God in a one-way message, you can hear straight from God exactly what you need to hear at the moment.


As God is a generous God, there are now more ways where we can connect with God apart from the traditional Church visits or reading the Bible. God can now reach us through modern ways, such as the contents in this website.


I’m here to introduce – or reintroduce – or validate to you the purest version of God, which is that of unconditional love. When I asked God what God wanted to tell you as you are viewing this article, this is what God said –


I want you to know that I love you, I’m here for you, and I truly want to connect with you and develop a healthy relationship with you. As your Father, or some may call me Mother or another terminology, there’s nothing better for me to see you, My children, flourish.


When you agreed to reincarnate on this Earth, we decided to use the Veil of Forgetfulness so that there’s still excitement, thrill, and other pleasurable experiences that you can feel. But bottom line, I want you to remember Me and I want you to play this Game of Life with Me.
I’m just here.


Deep down, we all want to believe that an unconditionally loving God is out there watching over us. But with some conversations with our Miracles here, believing in a good God can be hard. Not everyone also developed a relationship with an unconditionally loving God.


As God is responsible for the healing and miracles in sessions with me, it’s important to honor any pains you might carry about God or the version of God that was taught to you, as this may affect the blessings that you allow God to give you. And please know that our unconditionally loving God wants to shower you with so much love and miracles.



These are what I hear from clients.


1. Is God’s love really unconditional?


  • God is punishing me. I feel so bad about the sins I may have done, such as not going to Church, engaging in masturbation and premarital sex, stealing, not listening to my parents, cheating, coveting another person’s lover and the like. I’ll likely end up in purgatory or hell.
  • God rejects the LGBTQ+. I am part of the LGBTQ+. I either keep this a secret, or I experience an ongoing battle of not being accepted by the Church, and my parents. To a certain extent, I experience being disowned, shamed and disrespected.


2. I don’t see God in the Church leaders, Church goers and the teachings.


  • Some religious leaders and priests rape women and children, and spend our donations on luxury.
  • There are Church goers who don’t practice what they preach. People go to Church, and talk as if they know better, and are better than everyone else. Yet, after they seemingly seek forgiveness from God, they still continue doing their bad deeds like belittling others, cursing, womanizing, cheating, hitting kids, and the like.
  • There is gender inequality. Why are Church leaders mostly men? Why can’t women be priests or be in positions of authority?
  • Why is it only Jesus who can save us? If Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, does that mean we have a cruel God who didn’t make the concept of Jesus accessible to other countries or people?
  • Angels, saints, and Mama Mary are evil. I was born a Catholic, and I was taught to love Mama Mary, saints, and angels and I love praying to them. I feel so invalidated when other people speak ill about my love for them. Is it really bad to pray to them?
  • I was told to submit to my man. I am woman, and I was told that I should surrender to my man, and obey him. His leadership is weak though, and so I suffer from so much anxiety and worry. I don’t know how to feel about this.
  • Prayer doesn’t solve everything. For a country who prays a lot to a God, and attends Church so much, why is the Philippines still one of the most poor countries in the world? There must be something wrong with how religion is being taught. If not wrong, there must be something lacking.


3. I lost my love for God.


  • Why is there so much pain? If there is a God, why does God allow rape, miscarriages, wars, calamities, sicknesses, famine, poverty and other painful experiences?
  • God doesn’t exist. I prayed to God to save my mom from cancer, but God didn’t. I also don’t know why I’m experiencing this terminal illness.


4. I have a limited understanding of God.


  • God is my Savior. The only time I talk to God is when I have problems. I don’t really know what else I can do with my relationship with God.
  • Can miracles really exist? I’m the type of person who likes to see in order to believe. I love science, and it’s really hard to go against what was taught in school.


It’s hard to answer all of these questions, but God has an answer for what was mentioned above. If you wish, you can also mention these, and other confusions you may have with me and God in sessions so God can respond to you directly.


If you were to ask me though, my understanding of a God is an unconditionally loving God, who unconditionally accepts you and unconditionally forgives you. If you listen to this God, and make this God your sole authority in your life, this God will give you the best possible life across life aspects, and a life that gets better and better.




There are many ways you can have, develop or strengthen a personal relationship with God. Here are some ways –





A lot of people are surprised to learn that God gives grounded, intelligent business and career advice. You can talk to God about:


  • Choosing the right hire for your business
  • Choosing what business to start as an entrepreneur
  • Choosing which marketing strategies will give you the most profit
  • How to win over your bosses for a promotion
  • How to network effectively for a prospect or a client
  • Help you decide in critical business moments
  • How to optimize your home or work space so that more prosperity energy flows


Many clients initially thought that God is a Being that will magically solve all your problems with a snap of a finger.


Why else would you play the Game of Life on Earth if God can magically grant every wish on a silver platter? God doesn’t want to take away our opportunity to experience pleasurable things, like the feeling of unlocking our greatest potential or feats and milestones that we never thought were possible for us.


You can think of God as a life hack partner where you can minimize your risk and live a prosperous life. God will be very objective with you, and if you follow through with what God says, as hard as they may be sometimes to follow, you will find an influx of financial blessings. Take it from my clients who had sessions and followed God’s advice.





God knows you because you are God’s child. God knows your heart, how to love you, how you want to be loved, how to take care of you, and how you take care of others.


God also knows your romantic prospects because they are also God’s children.


So when it comes to selecting a romantic prospect for you, God will be very objective about your compatibility. God will often look at your shared values and goals and assess if you and your prospect or partner are good matches for each other.


God can even reveal the nasty things about them – are they cheating on you? Do they really have intentions of marrying you or committing to you?


The good news is that we can also negotiate with God if your compatibility with a prospect can increase. But if it’s really not a God-approved match, there’s a lot of pain and heartache in store for the relationship. It’s best to exit those types of relationships.






99% of physical issues have a non-physical root cause, and this is what me and God target when it comes to energy healing.


If we had a modern term for the miraculous healing that Jesus performed in his time – from healing a man with leprosy, making the blind see again, making the crippled walk again – it would be energy healing. Just like what I do in my practice, the healing comes from God.


Miraculous healing of the critically ill becomes possible with God, but God will also be honest if it’s your time to pass on, or if your physical vessel (body) is not capable of healing anymore because it was not taken care of. This is also true if you want the healing to be done for your loved ones.


While it’s possible to heal entirely from God’s energy healing, God also works with our medical practitioners because there are cases that require physical therapy or intervention. Examples are losing limbs or physical organs – no amount of energy healing will magically give you a missing eyeball or leg. If your pet ate a toy, for instance, that will really require a physical intervention to be removed. Some clients may also have “earthly” belief systems and would only be convinced that they are healed if they go through a physical intervention like surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.


In these cases, among the medical practitioners that you know, God would recommend certain doctors, hospitals or specific vets that will give the proper diagnosis and treatment for you or your loved one.





We often forget that this Game of Life is, well, a GAME. We get lost in the mundane, and take life way too seriously.


You can treat God as your friend, and ask God playful questions like:


  • How will I recognize my next partner? Give me a teaser/clue!
  • God, can you make my voice sound prettier?
  • God, is there someone who has a crush on me right now?
  • God, what were my funniest past lives as a human?
  • God, what was the most daring romantic proposal I ever gave someone?


God expresses feelings, too, and can even laugh with you. You can trust that God will always know the approach that will best reach you – whether it’s time to be serious about something or it’s okay to loosen up.





The gift of God connection that I have is not exclusive to me because God loves engaging with all God’s children. Just like any skill, it requires a lot of work, effort, and practice – all of which I have spent time mastering since God revealed to me that I am meant to be an energy healer back in 2014.


Everyone is capable of having access and a relationship with God, including you. It’s not just your pastors, your priests, your Church leaders, etc.


However, the differences mainly lie in the purity of love to channel accurately from God, and this is a process that requires several exercises of objectivity and discernment. A lot of people who are new to spiritual mediums may have difficulty discerning whether what they’re channeling is from God’s truth, their egos or from a non-pure light being.


This is why some fake prophets will easily claim to be God’s chosen leaders – e.g. Apollo Quiboloy in the Philippines, John of God in Brazil and Jeong Myung-seok in Korea, who abuse women under the guise of being God’s “chosen one”.


With God as your mentor through me, we can guide you until you’re ripe and ready to make accurate readings and healings for other people, or for yourself.


If you are interested in honing your connection with God to make this world a better place through divinely psychic means, this is something I can help you with. For this group, I like to call them Claire-voyants. It’s a pun we made because some clients like to call me Claire, the Claire-voyant.


God will often prepare a specific curriculum for you with homework to master your own divinely psychic gifts.


If you’re ready to hear what God has to say about what you’re going through, go ahead and pick your schedule here: