By: Claire Louise | March 06, 2024


Think of how much you love your family right now.


No family is perfect, but our family is our first experience of unconditional love. As you read this article, take some time to close your eyes and intimately remember how much you love your family or specific members of the family.



Since they’re the ones we spend most of our younger years with, much of our core memories involve our family members. That’s why it’s perfectly normal to have fears such as: 


By the time I’m successful, will my parents still be alive?

What if they get a critical illness one day?

What if I lose them?


When we receive so much love, it’s only normal to want to give back. 


Here are some ways on how God* through me can take care of you and your family.


*Any mention of “God” is always in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc. While reading this article, you can replace the term God with a Name that resonates with you the most.


Family Concern #1: Optimal Lifespan


“I want my loved one to live a long, happy life.”


It is a common experience for me and God to talk to Miracles who worry about their parents, grandparents, newborns, teenagers or even themselves. 



Most concerns include aging, critical illness, suicidal tendencies, and medically unknown illnesses. When we don’t know what to do, we turn to *God.


Remember that as God knows you, your family members, and how to love all of you best, God also knows what you and your loved ones need to live a long, happy life.


We’ve handled cases where a newborn baby got a seizure by a medically unknown cause, a suicidal daughter who jumped off their house, a bedridden father, autism, ADHD, critically ill parents, and many other difficult scenarios. These are all heartbreaking to see, especially when you feel so helpless and lost.


One of our Miracles once told me – I don’t want just anyone to take care of my loved ones. I want the best. We are talking about the life of my loved one. That’s why I went to you, Claire. You have God and God is the best.


Another Miracle shared – I trust you a lot, Claire. We’re talking about my life and the lives of my loved ones when I consult you.


What is key to remember here is that God can guide you the best. It is almost always possible to lengthen the lifespan of you and your loved ones, and improve one’s quality of life.


Family Concern #2


“My loved one is not doing well.”


If a family isn’t equipped or made aware that a particular loved one is in a worsening state, that loved one can likely engage in vices, choose to be in dysfunctional relationships and groups, get old without having any kind of achievement or even commit suicide. 


This is especially important now that mental health issues have sneaky ways of affecting our loved ones, and these are typically conversations that are difficult to talk about.



Let’s face it. Even if we mean well and want to elevate our family dynamics, we just don’t know how to reach out to our loved ones in an effective way. We are dealing with many resistances to change, like trauma, arrogance, toxic masculinity, stubbornness, etc.


If your loved one has seemingly already given up on being better, we respect that period in their life. We then go back to God to lead through us, in others, and in how God designed the world. When ready, your loved one will receive love in whatever capacity he/she can.


If God speaks to them, change can happen.





Step 1: THINK OF YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS. Which ones do you want to receive special support from God through me? Consider also your partner, partner’s family, helper and pets.




Step 3: SEND DETAILS TO ME. Share the names, manner of relating and your concerns and special prayers for each loved one you want to help further. 


Step 4: BOOK A SESSION FOR CONSULTATION. During this time, go through what you sent before your session. God through me will talk directly to you. We will also strengthen you to be a stronger vessel of love to influence your family members to choose love. We’ll address any fears, worries, confusion, weakness or anxiety you may have in being the influencer of God’s ways of love. 


And, together, with God as our leader, will be designing a plan on how love can reach your loved ones further through energy healing.


Simply put, energy healing is God through Me loving you and your family’s cells to be healthy. We can focus on prevention and treatment of sicknesses. God will also comment on lifestyle choices, such as food consumption, exercise habits, choice of social circles, relationship quality and media consumption. Hiring fitness coaches, physical therapists, nutritionists and the like as added support can also be discussed.


We can also answer your burning questions, like –


  • How many more years does my loved one have left?
  • We’ll be spending millions on the treatments. Is it worth it? Will my loved one live longer?
  • Upon consulting several Western medicine and herbal doctors, we got conflicting health solutions. Which ones should we follow?


If it’s a critical illness, you will need to do your rounds with doctors and get information on the treatments being considered. Should you want to, God through me can help you assess which ones are the best treatments for your loved ones. This is an added layer to ensure optimal healing and prevent misdiagnosis.


After this initial session, some Miracles included God’s messages in their regular family meetings. Others get regular monthly or weekly family energy healing packages and they get advice on how to approach and love each family member. Most book additional one-on-one sessions for their loved ones, personal coaching sessions and ancestral healing.


If you want to read more about what Ancestral Healing is, you may read more about it here:

Ancestral Healing With Claire


We will then discuss additional love investment fees for more energy healing and apt movement forward. Range can be anywhere from Php3,500 to Php50,000 or higher depending on the needs. If necessary, there is weekly, monthly and yearly calibration for about Php2,000 per member.


Dear Miracle, let God play an active role in our life and see how your love story with God and your family will unfold.