Dogs and cats are the new babies! They are most known for their unconditional love.


When you come home, pets may come running to you, or even twirl with excitement simply because they want to greet you! If you leave them with the vet, or with another person, they would likely try to escape and look for you. That’s how loyal they are!


On top of that, they can even urge you to stay active, as they love going out to get their walks and adventures. They can also possibly give you a sense of comfort, or even heal you when you are going through a difficult life phase.




Yes! There are healer cats and dogs, and most are successful in helping heal their loved ones completely. Unfortunately though, these pets often give their own life as a sacrifice for their loved ones to heal. They try to absorb the illness, and take that as their own. It’s important that we are able to teach them how to release the pain they absorb so they don’t die a premature death, or suffer from permanent illness. This is something me and God can do.


One clear way to determine if your pet is a healer dog/ cat is if they get sick at the same time that you do. Here is Truffles, an example of one such dog that absorbed her loved one’s cancer and needed surgery in the same area:



It can be difficult to detect if your dog/cat is a healer pet as well since they can give their own life to prevent your loved one from experiencing a critical illness. This one, named Chacha, is a cat who prevented a mom from having cancer, and got the cancer for herself. She passed on doing everything she could to keep the mom alive and healthy. When I talked with this cat, she refused to stop giving her own life force away to protect the mom. The mom, though, is perfectly healthy.


There are also dogs who die prematurely because they helped absorb COVID-19 from the family. This dog, Ash, died instead of the grandmother of his owner.


Indeed, there are animals who are sensitive to energy – both positive and negative. This is why you will find numerous studies showing how pets can detect changes in the electrical field of the human body and can also sense the presence of people who are feeling anxious or stressed.


Some people with pets may also experience unusual behavior, like cats staring at a seemingly empty place, or dogs barking at a seemingly empty wall.




Yes! There are dogs and cats who can see the Loving Departed, and even entities of all kinds such as angels, malevolent beings, etc.


There are some pet owners who have already passed on who try to communicate with their pet, and the pet will still be able to recognize them. Others may not be able to tell that it’s them, but can feel a change in aura. Some pets though do not have developed psychic senses and couldn’t feel any sensations when their Loving Departed is trying to communicate with them.


There are also instances where cats are terrorized by negative entities, such as the case of this one. Her temperament changed once the entities started to attack her. You can read more here: Protected from Entities




Yes! Pets grieve. When their original pet owner dies, there will be pets who will stay at their owner’s grave, wait for their owner to come to their usual meeting spot, or even just lose all sense of continuing to live life.


Here is an example of a dog who was grieving. This is Chlochlo.


The dog before energy healing (left photo), the dog after (right photo)


When her original fur owners passed on, she was always sulking in a corner, sluggish and weak. She had an understanding that her fur owners were already gone. That gave her new owner so much difficulty seeing her that way. She consulted me and God* to help heal her dog, and it was revealed that her dog was suffering from grief. We had to teach her that her new owner loves her, and we want to see her happy. Soon after, she became a happy dog. She likes greeting her owner now and is filled with much more life.


*Any mention of “God” made in this website is in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc.


Other pains pets can likely experience is if the previous pet owner was abusive, and these pets can exhibit some form of aggression like biting or barking. There are also cases where pets can also get jealous if you are showing more love to other pets, and can even lead to fighting.




Animals generally like the experience of unconditional love. Whenever I visit a friend, I often bring with me a presence of unconditional love. Their pets, even the antisocial ones, come out of hiding to say hello to me – which the owners always say is unusual behavior. This won’t work on trained guard dogs though, they’ll still bark at me.


Energy healing can help:


  • Identify if your pet is a healer dog/cat, and if your pet is a healing pet, we would need to process your issues if you want your pet to stop absorbing your pains and/or your family’s
  • Strengthen weak genetics
  • Reverse aging
  • Recover from trauma of physical abuse
  • Address fears
  • Get through grief
  • Understand why your pets are aggressive with each other
  • Teach you how to love your pets better
  • You connect with a Loving Departed Pet
  • Heal from other illnesses


In cases where physical therapy or intervention is required, God can help you pick the right vet that will properly diagnose or give a successful surgery to your pet.


There are several cases where vets misdiagnose the sickness of animals, such as in the case of this dog: Chose The Right Vet


With energy healing, we ensure that our fur babies can get the best possibility for recovery and healing, and we teach them not to sacrifice themselves for our sake. Energy healing can also be used to communicate with your dog and get to know them so you can deepen your relationship with them even more!




Step 1: SHARE TO ME YOUR INTENTION. What would you want help with? Please tell me the name of your pet/s, a photo, videos and concerns/illnesses.


Step 2: GIVE ME PERMISSION TO DO ENERGY HEALING ON YOUR PET. During the session, whether in-person, or remote via chat, audio call or video call, you need to give me permission to work on your pet. I will then share with you what God and your pet/s will reveal to me. You will need to do your part to follow through in taking care of your pet.


When you’re ready, pick a schedule for your session with me and God here: