Healing an entire family line is one of the most powerful uses of energy healing because it affects souls up and down your ancestral line, and the generations that will follow beyond your own lifetime.


Think of your own family line as having its own energetic flow of love that gets passed on from generation to generation. This means that we can inherit both love and pain from our ancestors without being fully conscious of it.


Traumatic events and unresolved pain have a tendency to stop the flow of love in the family line, and the longer it stays unresolved, the worse the experiences of the family are, especially down the family line.


ancestral healing with claire


Have you noticed that all families have seeming flaws and imperfections?


You may notice these blocks of love as common pain patterns present in your family – dysfunctional relationships, unworthiness, money issues, cancer, depression, suicide, failed pregnancy, and the like.


When we forget God’s* love, there’s a tendency for blocks of love to affect several generations without knowing how or when it started.


*Any mention of “God” made in this website is in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc.


But with my access to God, who is the main source of healing in sessions, we can break free from these patterns and restore the love in the family line.


ancestral healing with claire


The Good News is that it takes only one member of the family with Higher Awareness to break the chain of pain in a family line, and this could be you.


So, let me explain to you how this works.




Step 1: TRY TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO BE HEALED. Like all other energy healing methods, please think of your intention to make your session with me and God count in meaningful and purposeful ways. Know that it’s okay to not know the full story of your lineage because this can be revealed during the session.


When it comes to understanding the family line, we usually look at your two lines – parent A and parent B, usually the mother’s line and the father’s line.


ancestral healing with claire


In some cases where the client is adopted, generally the inherited karma is still from the foster parents. The same goes for children of same sex couples, and this is something we can check with God.


Karma = Lesson a person/ family needs to learn


In ancestral healing sessions, we focus on restoring the flow of love that was stopped because of pain. Both of your parents’ lineages have very unique patterns since no family line is the same.


Some examples of how love stops:


1. Financial Hardships

Do you notice that in your family, it’s hard to earn money, grow money and keep money?


    • Family members take advantage of one another so they can have more money for themselves.
    • A pandemic, natural calamities or financial crisis affected the family’s business and other sources of income that led to a life of hardship.
    • Family members are often working so hard for money to the point that the cells of each generation remember how hard life is. Then, there is a general pattern of no one wanting to work anymore, and that most family members would rather stay poor.


2. Dysfunctional Relationships


Some may experience difficulties in giving birth, finding a life partner or being in a healthy relationship.


    • There was an abortion and/or miscarriage in the family.
    • A family member got raped.
    • A family member cheated on so many women/men.
    • Male members constantly disrespected the female members, or vice versa.


3. Poor Health


Diseases and disorders like hypertension, diabetes, cancer, suicide, short lifespan, miscarriages and depression can happen.


    • Family members are engaging in drugs and other harmful vices.
    • There is so much resentment for God that the family got so disconnected to God’s protection and love.


4. Being Cursed


I’ve also handled cases where some families are under a curse, such as consecutive deaths and accidents in the family, or terrible luck on money and relationships. This is often cast by someone who got hurt by a member of the family. Other times, the cause is due to jealousy, hatred or resentment.


All these things will also be revealed by God.


People who’ve worked on restoring the flow of love in their family lines experience these miracles:


1. Better Finances


    • Members of the family are no longer bums. They start to become more motivated in getting jobs, and in keeping their jobs.
    • Debt is being paid off.
    • There’s better navigation and success in business expansion, and career advancement. e.g. promotions, successful businesses


2. Healthier Relationships


    • Family members no longer have a hard time having a healthy relationship with a life partner.
    • There is a stronger love for family. e.g. more communication, collaboration, laughter, support, etc.


3. Better Health


    • Kids are no longer depressed or suicidal.
    • Average lifespan of the family is longer.
    • There are less diseases and disorders in the family.


Please know that ancestral karma and individual karma are different. After the ancestral healing is done, all family lines involved will benefit. However, if an individual’s karma is not resolved by the person, he/she still needs to journey more to learn his/her lesson and free himself/herself from the pain.


Step 2: LET’S PRIORITIZE. Inform me which aspect you want to work on – financial, relationship, health or all of the above, and why you chose that.


To make the session more efficient, you can prepare a list of your family tree, with information on the pains experienced per generation. This will help speed up the session so we can get to the bottom of your issues, but it’s also okay if you’re not fully aware of them. God will always guide us.


Step 3: ONE SESSION OR FAMILY HEALING SUBSCRIPTION? God will create a specific quote based on your needs and the energy work that needs to be done. The range is about Php7,500 to Php125,000, depending on the issues of the family line, how many family members are involved in the healing, etc.


In some cases, God will say that energy healing for the individual client is enough, which will benefit their family members indirectly. Other times, the energy work is needed specifically for the client and other members of the family line, which may take up more time.


You may get a taste of an ancestral healing session by booking a one-time session, just to know how powerful the effects can be.


If you like the idea of having God bless your family constantly, then you may consider a Family Healing Subscription Package:




Some of my clients love to have their important family members cared for constantly by God, so they invest in regular, monthly healing subscriptions OR limited-time packages.


If this is something that piques your interest, you will regularly (usually weekly) get the following perks from you and your chosen family members:


  • Forewarnings of a family member wanting to die even though it’s not yet their time**
  • Forewarnings of possible sickness and depression
  • Forewarnings of life-threatening danger in the family
  • Forewarnings of bad financial deals and decisions
  • God’s specific action steps to prevent or avoid all of the above
  • Answers to cases such as choosing the right doctors and medical treatments for critical illness suffering family members, if God says physical therapy or intervention is necessary for their case
  • Extra protection and blessings, such as from death threats, financial hardships, and the like
  • Specific guidance per month on how to handle difficult situations with certain family members
  • Regular energy healing per family member, whichever is most important for them at the time of update


**Disclaimer: there are moments where God sees fit that you are not informed in advance of a family member’s death. When that happens, you just need to trust that God knows best.


Above are the experiences of my Miracles who currently have a package with me, but regular access to God will bring about unique gifts and blessings best experienced.


The quote you will get will depend on your intention and what God recommends for you. If ready, send me a message with your query here:


Step 4: BOOK A SESSION. Once paid, you may book your session here:



You may invite your other family members if you feel they will benefit from attending the session.