Claire Louise

Miracle Creator / Your Answered Prayer

Our greatest power is always from within.

We often try to find answers and solutions from others when all we need is to listen within. All of us were made to be sparks of God but somehow, most of us forgot what that really means.

God and I are here to remind you that YOU are a beautiful expression of God, and you have everything you need to live your best life across all life aspects.

What God wants to show all of us, especially those who are ready and willing to listen to God, is that Heaven on Earth can already be here. You can already experience a life that gets better and better.


God and Claire Louise

A Dream Took Over Me: How It All Began

From 2009 until 2014, I had a horrible time dealing with grief. Though I received a lot of support from my friends, family and a psychotherapist, I couldn’t snap out from my suffering … I awoke the next day feeling my hands tingle, and my hands vibrated with so much light. In that dream, my mom showed herself to me and from what I can remember, I am meant to be an energy healer.

God Chooses the People I Serve

I know who you are and I know how to love you. If you believe that I sent Claire to you, you should consider connecting with Claire and I. We have a message for you.

– God via Claire Louise,
Your Answered Prayer






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