May 1, 2024 | By: Claire Louise


“I’ll earn more than Php100,000, which is actually way far from how much I earned last year!”

🌟 April 2022. Our Miracle Moni (not her real name) got so delighted by her money miracle. This was just two months after our Miracle experienced a two-hour miracles session as a gift from our common friend last February 2022.


Let’s Play The Manifestation Game!


When it comes to manifesting, there are so many different tools and elements we can play with. But, regardless of what you choose, manifestation is best when you are connected to God*.


*Any mention of “God” is always in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc. While reading this article, you can replace the term God with a Name that resonates with you the most.

In the case of our Miracle Moni, since her dad’s line is filled with magic users, she was in the perfect environment to be exposed to pretty cool manifestation tools! She gets to play with crystal magic, spells, and the like.


So, what did God do to empower her to manifest more strongly? 


Well, seriously speaking, everyone in my energetic space is automatically given blessings. This is a God-given state of mine that amplifies the blessings one can receive. It’s like I’m a special genie with a magic lamp, or a fairy godmother, except that I’m really just a cute human that knows how to play with God’s magic powers.


First step to manifest more: We need to unload heavy energies. 


What God revealed to me was that she was carrying so many invisible weights that hurt her manifestation prowess. Her heart was pretty closed off and her mind was so active firefighting problems.

When she opened up, she mentioned taking the role of breadwinner. She was caring for her unemployed mom, her dad, her brother with special needs, and a sister who was still in college. She’s also busy sharing in the household chores herself whilst studying, finding commissions and earning.


She also just failed her college architecture exams so she needed to do a retake. She couldn’t graduate, and was extremely worried about taking the exams again.


On top of that, she also shared that she just got a reading from a trusted tarot card reader that when she gets married, it won’t end well. She was told that she’ll eventually get separated from her husband.


Just imagine all the pressure, the growing pains in her heart and the unresolved questions in her brain. That’s a lot to take in while in your twenties. Navigating life must have been really hard for her.


God being God, God knew exactly how to love her.

And with each wisdom God gave regarding family, school, romance, money and career, our Miracle felt lighter and lighter.


Family. We gave her direction on how to “manage” her mom and sister.


School. We gave her steps to increase her likelihood of passing.


Romance. We assured her that we can take care of her future. She can always get her relationship assessed by God. Assessments by God are designed to minimize risks when choosing a lover.


Money and Career. We got rid of her guilt of charging a fee for her work.


When it comes to money-making, this was one of the most memorable moments in our Q&As with God.


Miracle Moni shared – I’m not comfy charging people for my service.


God responded – There will always be people with money. They have the capacity to pay you. There will be people without money.


Those without money cannot afford paying for your service. They need to learn to be resourceful.


You only charge and get commissions from rich people with money.


It’s like a light bulb lit up in Miracle Moni when we discussed this. I can finally see the worry in her eyes get replaced by calmness. And, her tensed up body seemed to relax and soften. And then, she lightly smiled.


When we removed her guilt with God, we opened her up to more financial blessings.

In all honesty, one of the hardest things to learn is to charge fairly, especially since she does freelance work. When she conquered this challenge, she was willing and open to create more demand for her service.


And, the fact is that there are really rich people who can afford paying others for excellent service without batting an eye.


What is our point? Since Miracle Moni is an extremely talented individual, she can leverage all her talents and charge based on her own perceived value of what she creates for others. Charging a fair amount may seem scary at first, but eventually, if she really owned her value, she can ask for commissions without blinking. She can even negotiate for a relatively higher starting salary when she applies for her first full-time job.


With all of these concerns heard and answered, plus the added benefits she got while being in my energetic space, Miracle Moni got an acceleration for her capacity to magnify financial blessings. 


Now, let’s talk about the blessings she got!


⭐ April 13, 2022, around two months after the miracles session

She got her Php100,000 quickly!


⭐ November 4, 2022, 7 months after

She got more money! She was having fun with her money making manifestations.

⭐ April 24, 2023, a year later

Miracle Moni announced that she’ll be graduating. We are so happy and proud of her.

⭐ May 26, 2023, a year and one month later


She got a job with a relatively higher starting salary than the other fresh grads! Once again, she leveraged the wisdom that comes with knowing her worth! She definitely shouldn’t start from scratch. Her advantage is her leadership skills, charm and real life experience, among other wonderful traits. 


⭐ Sometime in 2023 

She introduced her boyfriend to me and our common friend. And, thankfully, she got a nice guy who treats her with respect.


When Miracle Moni started to share, she talked about a completely new set of challenges! And, this time, she can afford to pay for a full miracles session herself! I felt so proud of her.


That is exactly what me and God wanted for her – bigger and better challenges. We are talking about getting to the next level. It’ll be absolutely heartbreaking if she was in the same state as last time.

So, with her second full miracles session with me and God, the divine revelations were mostly structured to give light to what her possible next steps are. She was considering a lot of things. We talked about her approach on getting a better status at work, her possible move to the US, how to move forward with her relationship with her boyfriend and how to approach her marketing pitch, business partnership and other gigs.


God said – You’re already highly, technically skilled. You just need to work on a better deal for the price of your talent.


*Miracle Moni showed some hesitation because she felt her people skills were already great. But, God wanted her to get better at it* 

What we did was to ask God for future probabilities for each opportunity she has, and how to get the best possible results for each one. She can definitely focus on keeping and grabbing opportunities that give her the highest returns in the long run. And, if she needs to cancel out opportunities that give her quick money but there’s minimal long-term gains, she can let go of them. Work and time management are essential.


⭐ April 13, 2024, a few months after her second miracles session

She announced that she just got promoted. Whoot whoot!


⭐ April 29, 2024

Miracle Noni, me and our common friend met up to celebrate her promotion. It was nice that Miracle Noni treated us to dinner and shared that she easily earns 6-digits monthly now.



We are so proud of this girl. May she soar more, and grab more lucrative opportunities. She deserves them all! I personally can’t wait to see her challenges evolve again into better ones.


This story is told through me and God’s lens. Our Miracle chose to keep her identity confidential. We hope this real life miracle story empowers you to leverage opportunities, acknowledge your worth and improve your skill sets.


Dear Miracle, do you want to have more success in money manifestations?

Once ready, you may book here



After booking, please inform Claire at +63 9150311861 via Viber, Telegram or Whatsapp. Payment details will also be provided to you soon after.