November 21, 2023 | By: Claire Louise


What would you do if you saw this dog, who was skin and bones, lying on the grass?



If you own dogs or just generally like and appreciate them, you know they give us humans a non replaceable kind of love and companionship. We sometimes run the extra mile to cover the costs for vet check ups, medicine, proper nutrition and the like. 


This is exactly what our Miracle did when she rescued this dog.


One day, our Miracle, while walking with her dog, Chooey, saw this dying dog lying on the grass. Feeling a strong urge to save and care for this dog, our Miracle gave him food and water, and tried finding a shelter to take him into. He also received immediate medical care, and was positive for canine distemper* and blood parasites**. 


*Canine distemper is a contagious and critical illness caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous system.


**Blood parasites are parasites that live in the body of the animal and adversely affect health.


Our Miracle and her neighbor were able to cover medical bills of about Php30,000 through a donation drive and decided to name this dog Whitey. After seven days of vet care, Whitey tested negative for blood parasites and distemper. They then brought him into a shelter that was supposed to provide him with follow up medications, but after two weeks, Whitey’s condition got worse because the shelter didn’t administer his medicines. His muscle twitching got worse and he can no longer stand up.



Whitey was immediately brought back to the clinic. He couldn’t even walk and was experiencing seizures.


Our Miracle told me – I just feel so passionately for this dog. It’s like God*** has planted this burden upon me and my neighbor. We want Whitey to survive and experience being loved as he should be.


***Any mention of “God” is always in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this Being Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc. While reading this article, you can replace the term God with a Name that resonates with you the most.


🌟 April 23, 2023


Our Miracle asked me – Is there anything we can still do for him to survive? If I remember it right, can you also heal dogs? 

How Energy Healing Helps Pets 


To answer our Miracle’s question and to enlighten our Miracles reading this article, I am a medium who witnesses energy healing from God. God, a Being of unconditional love, is fully capable of either completely or partially curing physical illnesses. If we let God love us, the possibilities of how God can show up for us are endless. There will be times that a pet and even a human can fully recover from their illness without any medical intervention, as God can alter the cells, prevent illness from occurring and reoccurring, and restore damaged body parts back to good health, among other miraculous healings.  There will also be times that God is adamant that proper nourishment, behavioral training, and medical intervention are absolutely needed. God is also able to influence everyone who is willing to be involved in Whitey’s healing journey, such as the vet, the future fur parent, a possible foster, our Miracle’s friends, our Miracle herself and God’s other divinely appointed ones to love and nourish Whitey in the best way possible.


So if your belief in a God is of the purest version of who God can be to us, miracles become common in this modern day.


However, if the belief in a God is fragmented and we have minimal willingness to be supported by this Being, the love we receive from God becomes limited. What worked best in our energy healing for Whitey is that Me and our Miracle were already on the same page when it comes to our understanding of God. Since we are both most welcoming of God’s love, we ensured that Whitey had the optimal chance for survival.


If you want to further develop your relationship with this God, you can read more here: God Conversations With Claire


Be minded that all conversation exchanges via IG and energy healing between me and our Miracle happened remotely. 

We want you to know that remote healing, to address time, travel and location concerns, is made possible. 


Here’re more details on how energy healing for pets works:


Step 1: How High Is Your Pet’s Survival Rate?



The first thing I do is to immediately check the survival rate with God. God gives me a percentage from 1 to 100. Survival rate can be determined by the strength of the pet’s body, the pet’s predetermined time of death, the actions the owner does to keep the pet alive, the choice of vet and medication, the will to live of the pet’s spirit, and the capacity of the current or the future fur parent to take care of the pet. 


There will even be times when God will advise to not proceed with the session if the survival rate is too low, even with the energy healing. ❤️ In the case of Whitey, the survival rate was low at 20% without any energy healing from God. If we do what we can with energy healing, we can bump up the survival rate anywhere from 21% to 80%.


To this, our Miracle said I’m going to hold on to the 80% survival rate.


In three days’ time, God advised that we can have a better assessment of Whitey’s survival rate after the medical intervention and when the energy healing integrates better in Whitey’s body.


Step 2: What Does Your Pet Really Need To Heal?



There are many things God can show me with regards to a pet’s health and wellbeing. God can show me its immune system, genetic disorders, state of its cells, life span and damages in its body parts, like heart and liver condition, among others. God can even expound on whether or not the pet has its own healing abilities. Such pets, or what we call Healer Pets, can absorb our stress, anxiety, anger, depression, health problems, and other illnesses to make us feel a little bit better at the cost of their health or even their lives.  If you want to read more about our methods for energy healing for pets, and healer pets, you may read more here: Energy Healing For Pets With Claire


❤️ Specific to Whitey, God particularly worked on boosting his immune system, cellular regeneration, fighting spirit, and other essentials using energy healing through me. God established that Whitey’s needs are mostly physical and spiritual.


Step 3: What Solutions Will Be Needed?


As each animal may have varying needs, healing recommendations can include all or a mix of energy healing, medical treatment, apt vet, proper nutrition and exercise.


❤️ In the case of Whitey, God recommended to send him lots of images so that he can still enjoy so many things on Earth. 



This method of sending loving images to the pet is a simple energy healing technique I teach our Miracles who book a session with me and God. This is also something you can do to send more love to your pets and help them heal faster when they’re sick!


❤️ As our Miracle won’t be adopting Whitey herself, the images God wanted our Miracle to send Whitey was about finding him a good furparent, and informing him that he will be loved by his future fur parent. He will be taken care of, and given cuddles and hugs, among other gestures of love. 


A fun fact is that pets understand images better rather than words. According to God, the love will boost Whitey’s fighting spirit as the physical pain from the illnesses deteriorated his willingness to live.  ❤️ Our Miracle was also tasked to sing love songs to him in-person or just through her mind. Medicine was still a must do, given the state of his physical body. 


Updates About Whitey After The Energy Healing


🌟 1 day after the energy healing, April 24, 2023:


Our Miracle immediately started to do what God advised. 🙂


🌟 Two days after, April 25, 2023:



During that period, our Miracle was also receiving so much support, as she needed to raise funds to provide therapy for Whitey. Physical intervention was highly needed during this time given the state of the dog.



🌟 Five days after the energy healing, April 28, 2023:



The three day mark has passed and Whitey is looking so much better!


The Journey Of Finding A Fur Parent


As Whitey got better, our Miracle continued her search to find a furever home for him. Through the social media account she made for her own dog, Chooey, and her dog parent friends who frequent Greenfield in Mandaluyong, Philippines, she found a foundation that fosters animals. This foundation has some safety precautions and requirements, as they want Whitey to be tested in their trusted clinic and asked for our Miracle to give provisions. The foundation also assessed that they can help Whitey be better!


Our Miracle shared – After all the prayers, everything fell into place, Whitey fought for his life. When all the while we thought he was paralyzed, he stood up and learned to walk again. This is what love can do. Whitey was now with a foster enjoying being loved and cared for. Far from the cruel world he knew. We’re now praying for his furever home!


🌟 A little more than a month after the energy healing, May 24, 2023:



Watch the video of Whitey’s recovery here!


🌟 Almost four months after the energy healing, August 21, 2023:



Our Miracle sent us Instagram videos showing Whitey’s recovery journey! Whitey can finally stand. 


Our Miracle expressed –  There are no more signs of what he’s been through. He also got all the necessary vaccines so we can bring him to walk around UP. I see that he’s also so different now. He looks so trusting of humans and happy to interact with other dogs. (This response was translated to English for better reader consumption of this article.)


During this time also, our Miracle continued to ask me to pray that Whitey gets adopted. Whitey was also renamed as Lendon by the foundation.


🌟 A little more than five months after the energy healing, September 27, 2023:



Our Miracle shared to me that Lendon was finally adopted by fur parents, who were screened and deemed responsible fur parents by the foundation! In all honesty, I am in awe with how much love Lendon received. Our Miracle really lived up to her promise that Lendon experiences being loved as he should. We couldn’t have gotten this far without the dedicated pursuit of our Miracle, and the love, support and care from the vet, the foster, and every fur parent and other God’s divinely appointed ones. If you are one of those who helped Lendon stand up and believe in love again, thank you. You contributed to the beautiful unfolding of Lendon’s own love story. Miracles are possible because you chose to love.


Dear Miracle, do you want energy healing done to your pet?


Don’t hesitate to chat us up. We have fur parents booking sessions to enhance the overall health and wellbeing, and to target specific illnesses of their pets. Some fur parents subscribe to our energy healing packages for pets. Once ready, you may book here