I am Claire. I am blessed into a family filled with love and prosperity in the Philippines, and I would like to say that I had the ideal life. I had everything I could ask for and more. 

photo of claire's family

In 2009, life became hard for me because my mom got diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer.

Lance our family dogOur family dog, Lance, helped my mom discover her breast cancer because he jumped on my mom’s breast and she felt an unusual, sharp pain. My mom discovered a lump near the center of her right breast. My mom kept saying that she wouldn’t have known about her breast cancer if it weren’t for our dog. She always checked for bumps around her breasts, but not near the center of her breasts.

It’s my dad who made it possible for us to have Lance. The apartment we used to live in didn’t allow pets but when my dad spoke to the owner, the owner agreed.

Soon after it was confirmed that it was breast cancer, I remember seeing my mom call her sisters who lived in the US. She cried to her sisters about her situation.

Eventually, as a treatment, my mom got her right breast removed, and went through chemotherapy and radiation. I didn’t keep photos at all because these memories pained me. 

I was a student at Ateneo de Manila University at the time, and I felt helpless. I saw the surgery done on my mom’s right breast, how she had difficulty moving, how her hand was so bruised because of the injections, and how her hair fell due to the medical treatments. I never forgot to pray to God to save my mom’s life during this period.

I would say that I’m the type of daughter who loved to shower my mom with experiences that would make her happy – getting excellent grades, making cute drawings for her, giving her my paycheck from my gigs as a student, telling her ‘I love you’ every night, giving her my warm hugs, and painting a picture of our future together that included traveling, and other fun activities. 

When she was cleared of her breast cancer, we would walk with my mom. One day, she’d complain about her difficulty in breathing, so at night, sometimes, I would rub her back and she’d feel better. Then, when we got her usual checkup, we discovered that the cancer had spread to her lungs. That was a painful moment for me and my family because we already thought she was healed. But, we continued to do everything in our power to treat our mom.

I remember my dad doing so many things for my mom – from reading up on the latest cancer medication, consulting with doctors, taking care of her, seeking help from priests who are known to be miraculous, continuing with the medical treatments and getting blessed holy water for her.

One day, my dad had a conversation with me and my brother about the cancer spreading to my mom’s brain. And that if we continued with the therapy, she’ll likely end up like a vegetable. I was at a loss when I heard it.

During one of her cancer treatments, the doctor forgot to give my mom medication to prevent phlegm from forming, which was a possible side effect of her treatment. Unfortunately, since they forgot, she got tuberculosis and died from that. We rushed to the hospital soon after that and I remember holding my mom’s hand, asking her that if she hears me, please come back.

This wasn’t the first time our family experienced misdiagnosis and malpractice by healthcare workers. Though they aren’t all bad, I am so upset with human error. This also reminded me of the time when my grandmother also had cancer, and she was misdiagnosed. A different body part of hers that was completely healthy was being treated. 

In 2009, I had to say goodbye to my mom. She was my world, and losing her made me feel like there was no more reason to live. She was only 52. 

In 2011, two years later, my dad followed and died from a heart attack. It is said that he died from a broken heart. While he was mourning my mom’s death, he told me that now that my mom is gone, he needs to create a new life for himself and he doesn’t know what that is but he’ll figure it out.

In 2013, my college bestfriend died, also from cancer. Her cancer also relapsed.

In 2014, my baby dog Bogart, passed on due to an airborne virus.

I was under so much grief, and I was crying everyday. I enjoyed a happy childhood where everything was well-provided for me. To have all of that stripped away was painful beyond measure. Others would call this the Dark Night of the Soul. 

Though I received a lot of support from my friends, family and a psychotherapist, I couldn’t snap out from my suffering. I applied all their advice, yet I was simply not willing to heal. Dying seemed to be a much better option than to live a life without the people I love the most. And, for me, that reasoning was valid. My feelings were valid. 

So I decided to end my life several times by cutting myself, and trying to overdose, but those didn’t work. Sometimes, I would pray that I get stabbed while walking along the streets or get run over by a car. I got so fed up one day that I asked my mom and God, “What is your plan with me?”

I awoke the next day feeling my hands tingle, and my hands vibrated with so much light. In that dream, my mom showed herself to me and from what I can remember, I am meant to be an energy healer.




This painful life event triggered my search for healing, and eventually, how I discovered my gift of crystal clear God connection.

I sought solutions to help me process my grief, starting with seeking the services of a Psychotherapist at Ateneo because she was referred by my former colleague. She taught me better perspectives on how to see my past life events, which was helpful, but it did little to break my habitual narratives of wanting to die all the time.

I also joined a Discipleship Group (DGroup) near Ateneo, but it wasn’t the right fit for me.

When those didn’t work out for me, I tried Zen Buddhism. I went to a retreat house in Baguio where they taught us proper breathing. It felt like a family, and it did feel very peaceful, but it was so difficult to go there and it wasn’t sustainable. 

Then, through my Davao friend’s sister, I also learned of Ancestral Healing. With both my mom and dad dying, it was aligned to my question on whether there’s something wrong with our family line or not. My session there effectively helped me make sense of the past. 

I became more and more curious about the different mediums of spiritual practice – Tarot Card Reading. Pendulum Therapy. Theta Healing. Millennium Method / Quantum Physics. Access Bars. Reiki. Crystals. Akashic Reading – I’ve tried all of those. With my desperate need to seek inner peace, I’ve also sought so many healers and read many books.

Following the vision that was given to me that I’m supposed to be a healer, I invested in multiple energy healing classes and even got certifications from them. I practiced the techniques I learned by applying them to myself and with friends, until I became good enough to be my own authority in how I exercise my gift of pure connection with God.

It started with the small things, like helping a colleague make her toothache disappear, body pains disappearing, or windows of financial opportunities opening up. Due to so many good reviews, I became self-confident that God is always guiding me with every interaction. I knew it was God molding me to be the person that I am today.

Interestingly, even in the psychic/spiritual community, whenever the teachers would read about my future, they all said I was going to take care of a lot of people and that I was very good at what I do. Some of these teachers eventually came to see me and got sessions from me.

With the discovery of my gifts, I was able to have several conversations with my own departed loved ones. This led me to the closure and healing that I sought, and it gives me fulfillment to be able to give the same opportunity to you.

I asked my parents if I could already join them. They told me that it wasn’t yet my time, and I needed to truly enjoy my life first.




There are many terms that you can associate with what I do. Some people may call me a psychic reader, intuitive healer, energy healer, clairvoyant, and the like. When I asked God what I should call myself, it was “Miracle Creator”.

When I say “God”, it’s always in reference to the Highest Source Energy that is of unconditional love. Some may call this BEing Universe, Creator, Mother, Father, Source, etc.

I like to refer to God for everything because God has our best interests at heart. He is the best source of information, and it’s impossible for God to lead you in the wrong way. As long as you listen to an unconditionally loving God, and not a fragmented, incorrect version of a God – you will be okay. 

God is responsible for the miracles and the healing in sessions with me. I am simply the medium or the bridge, gifted with pure God connection. 

Over the years that I got to hone my craft, I have helped create miracles in people’s lives – from downpours of financial blessings, healing of the critically ill, identifying root causes of issues from past lives or ancestral healing, helping people talk to their departed loved ones, etc. 

Having the memories of misdiagnosis, incorrect treatments, deaths, feeling of helplessness, financial pains and more, I am here to empower people so that they can get through those difficult life phases, and eventually experience Heaven on Earth.

And now, we are here. Through this website, it’s my hope that me and God can reach you in a modern way, because by remembering God’s love we are able to make Heaven on Earth happen. And, I need you to spread Heaven on Earth with me.

Learn more about what Heaven on Earth means straight from God here:


Enjoy exploring this website and if you need help from me and God, let us know!

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